August 2020

Quick takes...

Rice Twinklies

My Zojirushi rice cooker plays “Twinkle Twinkle Little Star” when you push start. Never change, Japan.

Sticky stuff

Those 3M Command hooks hold their rated weight for about fifteen years. Ask me how I know.

If you name your town “Animosity”…

…you’re just asking for trouble, Brand New Animal. Thanks to Mauser for bringing this fun little Netflix anime series to my attention. If you haven’t watched it yet and need a little more push, note that it’s directed by the author/director of Little Witch Academia, and the cast includes Koyasu as someone other than the big badass and Yoshimasa Hosoya (Welf from DanMachi, Kanata from Kanata no Astra, etc) literally chewing the scenery.

Nun Shall Pass

I’m about halfway through the first season of Warrior Nun, and still not up to much of the footage that was used in the trailers. This is a bad way to make trailers.

Umbrella Academy, season 2

I really liked some of the performances in season 1, and it looks like the new one will deliver the same.

“You guys are never gonna let me live this down.” – Vanya Hargreeves, season 1 recap

Talkin’ ’bout an evolution

Our long notional nightmare is over…

Yesterday, Safeway had three kinds of yeast on the shelf and three varieties of King Arthur flour, both in sufficient quantity that they’re probably still there today. Costco has had a steady supply of 2-pound vacuum packs of Red Star active dry yeast for at least a month now, but the occasional shipments of the little envelopes and jars that most people use weren’t keeping up with demand.

(speaking of which, I’ve been checking the manufacturing date on those 2-pound bricks, and the ones that arrived last week said June 22nd; this is why you can’t just treat an economy like a series of light switches that you flip on and off at whim)

Everyday Life With Starter Pokémon

Not a harem comedy. Probably for the best.

Faking it in the kitchen

Pretty much every recipe for sweet/spicy mixed nuts begins with “buy raw nuts” and ends with “roast in oven”. But what if you already have roasted salted nuts and just want to zip them up? To me, the obvious solution was to toss them with just a little bit of olive oil, then add whatever you’ve got handy, in my case splenda packets and a few shakes from a jar of chili powder. Gets on your fingers, but we’ve all learned how to wash our hands now, right?

Faking it in the SJW community

Beloved Native American anthropology professor on Twitter now believed to be complete fraud. Apparently claiming she was killed by Corona-chan after her heartless university bosses forced her to teach in person was a bit too much for people to swallow, and the discovery that every picture she ever tweeted came from a stock photo agency isn’t helping.

“Nuns, no sense of humor”

Finished up Warrior Nun, so I’ve finally seen all the scenes from the trailers. My take on the season finale is that they thought they were being clever by piling revelation on revelation, but instead created a massive car wreck with color commentary. The characters mostly carry you through it, but it’s full of fridge moments that hit you as soon as you stop to think about them.

Given the numbers being reported, the second season is almost certain, but given 2020, there’s no way to predict when they’ll actually be able to start shooting it, much less do all the post-production work and release it.

I’m invested enough to want to see what happens next, but unpacking what happened is going to require a lot of talk-talk or a lot of handwaving, which has the potential to stop the story dead in its tracks.

The Brady Apocalypse

Umbrella Academy season 2 is mostly interesting, but I find myself turning it off in the middle of an episode because there are subplots I really don’t care about. These are adjacent to the parts I like, so I take a break, go do something else, and then finish the episode.

I’m kinda liking Dad.

Font “fun” with Windows Terminal

Setting fontFace to “Office Code Pro” produces significantly different text size than “Office Code Pro Medium” at the same fontSize setting. Going through the open issues on Github revealed a lot of interlocking font issues; the workaround for this one is the new fontWeight parameter. I updated my earlier config to reflect this.

Related, the problem I had where manpages and line numbers became unreadable is a bug unique to Windows Terminal. Where other terminal apps have an oddball mix of behaviors when confronted with the escape codes for “bold” and “bright” text in various colors, Terminal’s the only one that interprets bold without an accompanying color as “bright white”, regardless of the current foreground/background colors. So for any light-background-color scheme, you must set “bright white” to a dark color.

Unrelated, scrolling with the Control key held down changes the font size for the current session, while scrolling with Control-Shift changes the window opacity; never have I ever needed to scroll either of these settings. Transparency should always be 100% opaque for readability, and the standard Ctrl-(+/-/0) for font zoom are more useful and less likely to go off by accident. Scrolling them with the mouse is like Apple’s trackpad gestures that spontaneously change the icon size on my desktop.

Like skittletext, whenever I come across shit like this, I picture the programmers responsible as characters from the movie Hackers, and then I picture them locked in a room that’s on fire.

(by the way, kudos to Microsoft for developing this application in the open, with a real feedback process that gets incorporated into new releases)

"You are zero for two, young man"

Benito Newsom’s clip job

Went out to get a haircut yesterday, only to discover that’s illegal again. Are they trying to flip California red?

The Worst Part Of Waking Up

The problem with convenient single-serving coffee makers is that when they fail, you’re forced to diagnose the problem without coffee.

(machine was turning off because a bad k-cup required excessive water pressure, tricking the machine into thinking it needed descaling)

Family Matters

Finished watching Umbrella Academy season 2. Worth the occasional slow spot. Reginald Hargreeves is my spirit animal.

But wasn’t there an autopsy report in season 1? Doesn’t the revelation that he’s an alien wearing a rubber mask kind of imply that he faked his death, in which case who was Klaus talking to in the afterlife?

Echo Madness

J: “Alexa, porch light on.”

A: “Calling J.” (my cellphone rings)

I’ll spare you the possible rants and just say that it didn’t show up in the activity section of the app, so I couldn’t “train” it to understand that it misheard me. Or find out what exactly it thought I said.


I remain baffled by the fact that Slashdot remembers how far down you had scrolled in your previous visit and then reproduces that offset the next time you come by, forcing you to scroll back up through everything you’ve already read to see something new. Even more fun when that scrolling position no longer points to the same story.

Ditto the “view N comments” link on blogspot sites that scrolls past all of the existing comments and sets focus in the add-a-comment box.

Best. Flagpole. Ever.

“Thank you for your (fan) service.”

"I will do science to it"

Stir crazy

Scientists (I use the term loosely) spent time and money to discover that microwaving water in a coffee mug makes bad tea. Their conclusion was that the flavor extraction is poor because the temperature is not uniform from top to bottom, and their solution was a special container designed to heat the water more like a kettle on a stovetop.

Apparently no one involved in this study ever heard of a device called a “spoon”, or a process known as “stirring”.

Round 4

Next week will be my fourth round of interviews with the company that has matched their stated interest with actual action. This will be a four-hour tag-team technical interview of a sort that I haven’t done since 1993, when Synopsys flew me out from Ohio.

Over Zoom, of course; even after they hire me, I likely won’t be meeting my new co-workers in person until sometime next year.

“​…and they vote”

The New York Attorney General is apparently unaware that NRA members are a well-motivated voting bloc, and so she has provided them with additional motivation. Perhaps she believes that this will encourage them all to take more moderate positions. Perhaps she also believes that throwing gasoline on a grease fire will put it out.

Rewatched Bofuri

This really, really needs a US Bluray release. Also plushies and Funko Pops. And maybe a set of Izu/Kasumi/Misery body pillows.

Meanwhile, Kanata No Astra came out on Bluray this week, and The Demon Girl Next Door comes out next month at the wallet-scaring price of $70.

Time, Space, and The Big Bang

Earth-Shattering Kaboom

Ruger sells a .454 Casull revolver with a 2.5-inch barrel. I’m not sure why it holds six rounds; maybe they expect you to enter the bear den with two friends, so you have enough hands.

Astra Lost In Exposition

I noticed that Funimation now has an “uncut” version of Kanata No Astra up for streaming. Since there was really nothing to cut from the broadcast version, I assume they’re just using this label to mean “Bluray version”, with whatever cleanup was done for that release. Not that I’d complain if the swimsuit episode was more… detailed.

I didn’t really notice any changes in the first episode, but watching it really cemented my opinion that the talk-em-to-death resolution in the final episode completely destroyed all the world-building they’d done up to that point. The lengthy, detailed explanation of How Everything Happened is simply incompatible with the world the characters are shown living in.

Related, the Amazon price for the coming-soon Bluray of The Demon Girl Next Door just dropped from an insane $70 to the slightly-saner $50.

Eaten By Morlocks

I’ve gotten used to Apple’s Time Machine occasionally failing to a NAS, because their model for network backups is incredibly fragile. Until last night, though, I hadn’t had a failure with my encrypted external USB-C SSD. Then TM barfed up a lung, and I couldn’t unmount the drive because the indexer was grinding away on it. When I looked at the drive, I saw 894GB in use, but nothing at all in ls -al output, not even . or ...

Nothing wrong with the SSD, just the OS losing track of the file system that’s on it. Likely the result of a momentary California Power Blip, because the single USB-C port on my MacBook can’t drive both a hub and an SSD without external power.

Random Random of Randomness

Optical Deportment

My preferred eye doctor isn’t in-network for me right now, because my former employer switched their insurance a few years back and I’m still on their plan. This turns out to be a good thing in 2020, because she’s located inside Lenscrafters, which is inside the mall, which is closed by decree. My current plan is accepted by Costco, which is open. The waiting list was six weeks, but someone cancelled and I got in the next day.

No change in my prescription, and they still had the discontinued “big man friendly” frames I liked, so now I’ve got spare bifocals. Since they had a sale going on, I also bought a pair of dedicated computer glasses in another “large head” frame; the doc confirmed that I’d calculated the adjustment correctly when I ordered a pair online last year.

More fun with WSL2

Surprisingly, one of the things I haven’t done in these months of lockdown is fire up my big gaming PC. At all. Last night when I was rearranging my office, I ran a full backup, downloaded all the updates since March, manually upgraded to the May release of Win10, and set up WSL2/Terminal.

Despite their docs telling you to use the Microsoft Store for Terminal and your Linux distros, both are available on Github (I’m using the good CentOS 8.2 build). And once you’ve got a distro set up the way you like it, you can just export it to a tarball and copy it to another machine.

On this machine, my primary use for the Linux environment will be editing game save files. 😁

(if the lockdown continues much longer, perhaps I’ll finally get around to sorting through all of my obsolete computer hardware, wiping the disks and e-wasting anything that’s not useful to me)

Historical isekai novels…

“Accidentally sent back in time, I used my superior knowledge of science and technology to impress the king, reform the country, and get the girl, only to be done in by a malicious wizard.” By Tsuwein Maruko.

Astra Service

After carefully examining the relevant scenes in the “simulcast” and “uncut” versions of Kanata no Astra, I can confirm that whatever changes made did not include adding more detail to either Quitterie’s shower scene in episode 4 or the bikini atoll scenes in episode 5. Pity.

Mostly Peaceful

Will the last adult to leave Portland please turn out the lights.

Back on the chain gang...

Monday’s series of interviews was the most I’ve talked to human beings in months. It’s had the effect of making me a bit more stir crazy, because now I’m back to just chatting with the Porch Cat. Things went well enough that they called me with a great offer this afternoon, so I think I’ll celebrate by leaving the house.

The Dumpster Fire That Is LinkedIn

I started updating my résumé at the end of May, when I started getting bored with a lockdown that was apparently never going to end. I signed up for LinkedIn’s premium service, but saw no real benefit to it; among other issues, it added an item to my feed that said “you’d be a top applicant for these 3 jobs”, and when you clicked on it, you’d get their generic job search that didn’t necessarily include any of those companies on the first few pages of results.

In two full months, the most-relevant results in the search never included Pure Storage. Instead, their recruiter found me in his search results and set up a call. After he forwarded a link to my profile to the hiring manager and set up the first interview, this finally showed up in my LinkedIn feed:

That’s some mighty fine sleuthing there, Lou.

Dear Microsoft,

In the Mac version of Office 365, it is not only impossible to prevent the list of “recently-opened documents” from storing details about everything you’ve done in Word, Excel, etc, until you manually right-click each document to remove them, documents that were opened from a network share that’s no longer available can’t be removed at all.

Any attempt to right-click on them pops up an alert three times, then dismisses the right-click menu before you can reach it.

Demographics is destiny, Corona-chan edition

Get out of jail free

According to the official daily numbers for my county, fully 25% of jail inmates have tested positive since they started covid-counting, with zero deaths.


Engadget’s inline ads continue to think I’m located in Quincy, this time to shill for Pretty sure I don’t want to drive 300 miles to meet an available woman. Mostly because stories that begin that way often end with “found in shallow grave”. Also, not desperate.

9 to 5

With two weeks left to go before I start the new job, I’m trying to come up with a “workday routine”. It has, after all, been over four months since I had a “work day”.

Since I don’t have actual work to do yet, those portions of the routine will be devoted to things like tearing my home office apart and putting it back together in a way that looks good on Zoom. I believe the large framed photo of Carmen Berg in lingerie would invite unwanted attention from HR, and I should probably keep the sword rack out of sight for at least the first few weeks.

I’m thinking travel posters, Funko Pops, plushies, and the usual pile of obsolete computer hardware should work nicely. Maybe some camera gear.

Wide base to prevent loss

I parsed this image wrong at first. At least, I hope I did.

2D Waifus versus 3D victims

Lindsey Stirling has recorded a new theme song for the Azur Lane mobile game. Not terrible, but I hoped for better.

My favorite mobile game song is still Saori Hayama’s DanMemo theme, Lumière. And she has a new album coming out soon.

Meanwhile, the Act-Age manga series has been cancelled after the writer was arrested for not acting his age. I haven’t followed up to see precisely what the cameras showed him doing (or trying to do) to those two junior high school girls, but they reported him to the cops for it, and he was identifiable in the video.

Monster Of The Week

Afternoon Update

At the present time, my neighborhood is not on fire, and is not predicted to be on fire any time soon. The wildfire that’s south of town is apparently moving further southeast into the mountains. This would be a good day to wear real masks, though, rather than the mandated sneezeguards.

Just Say No

MoveOn just spam-texted me to ask if I’ll be supporting Joe Biden, because (no shit, it really says this) “we deserve real leaders who govern for all of us – not just the wealthy few”.

Related, did anyone ask Billy Porter why he borrowed his DNC wardrobe from the set of The Hunger Games? Is he working on a Broadway musical version of it?

When October Goes

As I continue casting about for things to watch, I tried out Netflix’s October Faction. It’s a one-a-day sort of series that doesn’t binge well, and so far Deloris is the only character I find interesting. Also, while the twins are delivering lines written in comprehensible Japanese, the actors obviously don’t speak it. Their phonetic delivery reminds me a lot of Jack in Asobi Ni Iku Yo!. At least it didn’t remind me of this (Not Safe For Sanity).

This discussion of its non-renewal pretty much nailed it:

“For fans of the monster-of-the-week genre, you can think of it like Supernatural with a more stagnant setting and less charismatic leads.”

This rare moment of clarity doesn’t mean that every other article on Looper isn’t completely full of shit, of course.

Amusing connection: the actress playing mystery gal Alice was on an episode of Forever Knight.

Bullfight of Love

Completely unrelated, I happened to be listening to a mix of the top 100 songs in Japan from 1981, and Ai no Corrida is on it. I’m inclined to think that Quincy Jones kind of missed the point of the original movie.

Amusing note: one of the short pieces we went through in my Japanese group reading class mentioned filmmaker Ōshima and this film, and the teacher realized for the first time that the title included the Spanish word for “bullfight”. Difficulty: she has a PhD in Spanish literature.

By the way, that top-100 list also included Fame and Morning Train. And, yes, City Connection.

The right to arm bears

After being exposed to the trailer, I skimmed the fan translations of the original web-novels of Kuma Kuma Kuma Bear, the upcoming isekai series about a girl and her bear suit. The web-novels were written chapter by chapter with no plan, which I presume was cleaned up for the print edition, currently up to 16 books. The author’s notes are sometimes more amusing than the story, which is the over-familiar “Japanese teen becomes ridiculously overpowered in a fantasy world”.

Judging by the book covers, Our Heroine’s hobby is loli-collecting.

Fires gone Wild

Yes, California is on fire. Mostly in the mountains right now, but the mandatory evacuation zones cover a lot of the highways leading out of the affected areas, so, y’know, leave now while you still can. The LA Times has a useful but graphically muddy map covering all the active fires.

The one nearest me, the River Fire, is mostly working its way through mountain areas that are very sparsely populated, with the exception of Carmel Valley. The perimeter doesn’t seem to have shifted much in that direction, so presumably that’s part of the ~10% they have contained. It’s not a threat to me at this time, apart from the smoke and ash; it would have to go through a lot of irrigated fields and the entire city of Salinas, which would admittedly suck.

The SCU Complex Fire (East Bay) is huge, prompting evacuations in parts of Fremont, Milpitas, Morgan Hill, Gilroy, etc, and is getting close to I-5 near Patterson. The evacuations are only advisory for Morgan Hill and Gilroy at the moment, according to this map. While the northwest edge is getting close to I-680, the southwest edge is still comfortably far from Highway 101.

The CZU Complex Fire (Santa Cruz Mountains) is currently completely uncontained and the mandatory evacuation zone now includes parts of Santa Cruz and all of Scotts Valley, as well as Highways 1, 9, and 17.

North of the Bay Area, Napa and Sonoma are threatened by the LNU Complex Fire, and west of that, the 13-4 Fire stretches from Highway 101 to the ocean, northwest of Santa Rosa. And there are a lot of smaller fires scattered around the state.

On the bright side, the heat wave that had the utilities threatening rolling outages has subsided somewhat, although the advice to open your windows at night when it’s cool is probably not being followed in most areas (coughcough).

Clown fonts go poof

Adobe CC periodically removes downloaded fonts that it decides you’re not using… in Adobe CC. Using them in other applications doesn’t count, apparently. To get them back from the Clown, you can either completely deactivate the family, switch menus, and reactivate, or click the Clown-down icon for each and every font file that’s been removed.

In other news, Adobe will finally be abandoning support for Type 1 fonts in their product line in an upcoming release. In J-specific news, Adobe doesn’t include my go-to poster font Barmeno in their Clown, and it’s $300 from Berthold. I think I’ll try converting it with Fontforge first…

(Adobe disguises the location of their Clown font files, so to use them in my PDF::Cairo scripts, I have a Perl script that symlinks them into directories scanned by Fontconfig)

Wildfire update

The SCU Complex and CZU Complex fires continue to threaten Silicon Valley from both sides, but while the evacuation zones have advanced, they still haven’t crossed 101 or 280 yet, and the fires were not visible from 101 when I drove up to San Jose yesterday (needed to show ID to prove I’m legally eligible for employment; the company’s using a remote service, but their location in Salinas was booked past my start date).

On the way home, I stopped off in Morgan Hill for Boar’s Head lunchmeat and a car wash, and not only was the car still clean today (apart from the paw-prints), late this afternoon the air quality index was back to a safe-and-healthy 25, so I was able to open up all the windows and air the place out.

According to AirNow, the sensor nearest to my house peaked at just over 200 on Saturday, but is down to 8 right now. By comparison, Mountain View was over 150 today, and is currently down to 62.

Sometype Mono

I’m trying out a programming font, the free Sometype Mono. It avoids almost everything I hate about coding fonts, and beats out the previous champ Office Code Pro by not having an italic $ or five-lobed *. Set width is a bit narrower, but not as condensed as the same designer’s non-free Code Saver ($25 for 3 weights and matching italics, if you like squeezing a few extra columns into your windows). Specifically, an 80-column window of Office Code Pro will fit 83 of Sometype Mono, 86 of Code Saver, or 88 of my former standard Anonymous Pro.

I can get Code Saver through my Adobe CC subscription, but I’m going to start with the free one, since I’m setting up a new work laptop this weekend, and it won’t have an Adobe license.


The Programming Fonts web site, which I hadn’t visited for a few years, includes Sometype Mono in its live previews, as well as an increasing number of cleanups of existing fonts to fix many of my complaints. The least-unreadable preview setting at the bottom is the base16-light color scheme and the None syntax coloring.

If the shoe fits...

[Okay, since the brand new MacBook Pro they sent me just arrived, I think I can officially believe that I start on Monday…]

My first job in Silicon Valley was at Synopsys, where the (tone-deaf) collective term for employees was (and still is) synopsoids.

My new job is at Pure Storage, where, according to my welcome letter, the equivalent term is apparently puritans.

I think this makes me a Puranoid.

Fair enough.

Related, long ago and far away I delivered pizza for Dominos during the 30-minutes-or-free era, which overlapped with the infamous Avoid The Noid ad campaign that inspired a real-life Noid to show up with a .357 magnum and prove he was correctly named.

Unrelated, LinkedIn recently popped up a “congratulate (redacted) for 14 years at Ooma!”​. Apparently his widow wasn’t able to disable all of his online accounts.

Related to a picture I used recently, I was disappointed to discover that there are almost no online references to the term “mobile grounding units”, the item responsible for most of the campus power outages when I was at OSU. Also known as “squirrels”.

PS: the instructions for my new-hire orientation Zoom session included the words “wear something orange”. I was surprised to discover that there actually was one item of orange clothing in my house. It’s a George Of The Jungle t-shirt that I’ve never worn, and that’s probably been in a box for over 20 years. I’m not even sure who gave it to me; sometimes whimsical t-shirts just appear in my life.

Technically, the shirt is light brown, but even without partial color-blindness, the border between “dark orange” and “light brown” is pretty fuzzy.

[I can’t do anything with the new laptop until they send me the temporary login password early Monday morning, but it’s certainly shiny.]

More fun with programming fonts

After working with SomeType Mono for a little while, I decided to quantify my font ratings.

I started by dusting off my old fontforge svg2ttf script, since I knew its Python API exposed everything I needed. Then I discovered that I can’t get that API to work any more. Somewhere between the Python 2->3 updates and Homebrew’s descent into madness, it done broke.

I know how to extract metrics and outlines using Font::FreeType and Cairo in Perl, and most of what I need is already exposed in my PDF::Cairo module, but I’d have had to do some mucking about with internals to get it all, and it would have added a messy dependency should I decide to share the script.

So I switched to Adobe Font Toolkit, which cleanly installs into a Python virtualenv without any issues. Its tx utility can both extract metadata and calculate precise bounding boxes for every glyph, which allows me to measure many of my concerns:

FONT OfficeCodePro-Regular.otf
x-height 69.012% of ascender height
relative width 100.000%
vertical centering offset from '=':
! greater -3.79%
! less -3.79%
! parenleft -7.04%
! parenright -7.04%
! bracketleft -7.04%
! bracketright -7.04%
! braceleft -7.04%
! braceright -7.04%
! bar -10.83%
width compared to '=':
! asciitilde +4.19%

This tells me that Office Code Pro has a standard typewriter width (Courier, Prestige Elite, etc), a decent x-height, equal widths for -=+, a slightly-wide ~, common vertical centering for =-+~*&#%/\ and digits, a very small vertical offset for <>, a bigger one for ()[]{}, and an annoyingly large one for |. Since I’m not analyzing the glyph outlines yet, I can’t tell that it has a five-lobed asterisk and a slashed zero.

For comparison, here’s the latest release of Iosevka Fixed SS02 Regular:

FONT iosevka-fixed-ss02-regular.ttf
x-height 69.829% of ascender height
relative width 83.333%
vertical centering offset from '=':
! asciitilde -2.11%
! ampersand +3.62%
! percent +3.62%
! zero +3.62%
! X +3.62%
width compared to '=':
! asciitilde +19.47%

Similar x-height, much narrower, &% aligned with caps/numerals, and twiddle a hair low and extra-wide.

The last time I looked at Iosevka, all the “SSnn” variants were built with the same family name, so you couldn’t tell which of the sixteen variations you’d downloaded except by the file name. They’ve cleaned things up quite a bit, and now it’s fully scriptable so you can roll your own variation and Have It Your Way. The downside is that the repo is over 5 gigabytes. The other downside is that it uses npm.

Other fonts I’ve tried recently? IBM Plex Mono (painfully short hyphen, dotted zero, goofy #), Cascadia Mono (the dotted zero and goofy alphabet clobber its otherwise perfect score, although I’d use Light rather than Regular), Go Mono (five-lobed goofy asterisk, serifs, and inconsistent punctuation weight), JetBrains Mono NL (dotted zero, five-lobed asterisk, small-but-consistent vertical offsets for ()[]{}/\|~*), and Code Saver (short hyphen, high /\, low |).

Oh, and the name of my script? Termanal. If I ever roll my own custom font, obviously I’ll call it Termanal Regular. 😁


Just found the current much-expanded version of the Inconsolata family. Slashed zero, ligatures off by default, five-lobed asterisk, annoyingly short hyphen, slightly-low [], annoyingly low |, eight weights, and nine widths (166%, 125%, 100%, 92%, 83%, 75%, 67%, 58%, and 42% for when you need all the columns).

Iosevka Termanal

So, yeah, I rolled my own. The primary change from the prebuilt SS02 version was that I made it standard-width and a bit lighter. And reversed the slash on the zero, just because I could. I included the build plan and the necessary diffs in the Zip file, and only built Regular and Bold with their matching italics.

Completely unrelated, Amazon recommended a new manga series to me: To Save The World, Can You Wake Up The Morning After With A Demi-Human?. In which Our Hero’s mission is to knock up as many monster girls as possible in the hope that one of them will give birth to The Chosen One who will defeat The Demon Lord.

Except that he’d really rather just hold hands with the cute elf girl in his homeroom class. And he passes out whenever the girls get him excited. And then they do him anyway while he’s out. And the more often they all get a fill-up, the more potent his secret sauce becomes, so they’re all willing to share. Even the Legal Loli dwarf girl who can’t quite wrap herself around it yet.

Not an isekai, apparently, just a perfectly ordinary Japan with a wide variety of horny monster girls and a recurring Demon Lord infestation.

9/2 update

I decided to make the bold a bit bolder, to better differentiate it at various sizes. Zip file updated.

“Need a clue, take a clue,
 got a clue, leave a clue”