
Dear Amazon,

No, it is not true that these recommended items are things “other customers often buy again”. Honestly, once is probably enough:

In other news, it’s nice to see that the recommendation engine is back online. Nothing jumped out at me as particularly absurd this morning, but I thank you for pointing out that the new Doctor’s sonic is designed to stimulate the G-spot.

Not exactly a winter storm watch...

Just saw a local severe weather alert. I think I’ll be okay.


  • WAVES AND SURF…Northwest swells 12 to 14 feet at 17 to 18 second periods. Breakers of 16 to 22 feet possible.

  • TIMING…Thursday night through early Saturday morning.

  • HIGH TIDE…High tide will correspond with the peak of the swell Friday morning between 10 am and 12 noon. Localized coastal flooding possible as a result of increased wave run-up.

  • IMPACTS…Large breaking waves along the coast will lead to increased wave run-up on beaches with waves topping and washing over large rocks and jetties. Use extra caution near the surf zone as these large waves will be capable of sweeping people into the frigid and turbulent ocean water. Cold water shock may cause cardiac arrest, and it also can cause an involuntary gasp reflex causing drowning, even for a good swimmer. Long periods increases the risk of rip currents. The surf zone will be dangerous due to strong currents and powerful breaking waves.


A High Surf Advisory means that high surf will affect beaches in the advisory area, producing rip currents, localized beach erosion and sneaker waves.

Dear Amazon,

Your cat’s an asshole:

Speaking of cats, I haven’t had any hanging out on my porch for quite a while, but walking up to the house Friday night, I heard a series of loud, distressed-sounding meows coming from near my porch. I looked over and found a large, rather attractive kitty walking along the fence. To my surprise, he responded to my kissy noises by coming over to say hello, and I rewarded this behavior with a package of the leftover wet food from when I had regular visitors.

He was healthy, well-groomed, and wore a collar, so it wasn’t too surprising that he let me pet him. He hasn’t come back for skritches or handouts, so I’m guessing he’s a mostly-indoor cat who got away from his wranglers for a little while.

For want of a hyphen...

The person responsible is probably also a serial comma killer…

In other news, sugar daddies the world over were seen converging on Pratt, Kansas.

Ecchi-na no wa ikenai to omoimasu!

“If I were going to write an isekai series…”

“Transported Into A Fantasy H-Game As The Comic-Relief Sidekick, I Keep Getting Kidnapped By Villains And Molested By Their Kinky Minions, Only To Be Rescued By The Hero Just As They Get To The Good Part”

I thought about designing another book cover to go with this title, but most of the potentially-appropriate art on Pixiv is a little too explicit, and it would end up behind an NSFW tag anyway…

So, has anyone written an “accidentally transported from one isekai to another one in a different genre” series yet? Y’know, like the clumsy, busty elven priestess who gets adopted as the mascot of a squad of space marines.

Dear Amazon,

I’m going to go out on a limb here and suggest they used the wrong picture for this product listing:

Bee Wars...

After viewing the new Star Wars trailer, I’m thinking The Babylon Bee nailed it.

I’d have to finish watching the previous movie to have much interest in this one, but first I’d have to rewatch the beginning up to where I completely lost interest, and I’m just not motivated to do that any time soon.

Next Year's Best Anime...

I don’t think it’s possible to parody the isekai genre, so clearly it’s time to make my own…

(art by Milkpanda; swiped from Pixiv without permission)

1: This Clumsy Princess Is Falling All Over Me!

2: A Wild Loli Appears!

3: Holy Shit Those Tits Are Huge!

4: Her Cooking’s Terrible, But At Least She’s Naked!

5: All The Maids Wear Glasses!

6: Everything’s Better With Catgirls!

7: This Butch Palace Guard Secretly Collects Plushies!

8: My New Robot Girlfriend Needs An Off Switch!

9: Naughty Elves Need Love Too!

10: The Secret Valley Of Monster Girl Sex Slaves!

11: That Alien Nympho Is Over 18 Officer I Swear!

12: There’s Always Room For Slime Girls!

13: Trapped In The Lyin’ Witch’s Wardrobe!

14: Turns Out My Little Sister Is A Succubus!

23: Where Does The Third One Go?

29: Hers Is Bigger Than Mine But She’s Still A Girl So It’s Okay!

37: Mom Is That You?!?

“Need a clue, take a clue,
 got a clue, leave a clue”