
My new favorite cosplayer

Nice to see some people still remember the good stuff.

Angelic Layer's Misaki and Hikaru

(via the never-safe-for-work Sankaku Complex)

Lack of anime-blogging

I haven’t had anything to say about anime recently, because the only things I’ve watched so far this year are Bodacious Space Pirates on Crunchyroll (in convenient tablet form) and The Seven Deadly Sins on Hulu.

[gratuitous link to Elizabeth cosplay]

A nice figure

Kitakami figure


Forever alone...

NSFW after the jump.


A _____ of Hestias?

What’s the proper collective noun for a gathering of Hestia cosplayers?

[Update: and what about Rory Mercury?]

The Trouble Consultant Workout


(not that I needed an excuse, but Wonderduck provided one…)

Game Goddess

Hestia, gamer

(larger image here, because the source is very, very NSFW)

Dear Gakkou Gurashi,

Yeah, go ahead, tear out my heart. It’s not like I was using it for anything.

“Need a clue, take a clue,
 got a clue, leave a clue”