
Dear Japan,

I have a few questions…


(Im)Pure Imagination

Viewing the Honest Trailer for Willy Wonka and the Chocolate Factory (featuring Michael Bolton) reminded me just how creepy the adult-child interactions are in that movie.

That got the song Pure Imagination running through my head, and things went downhill from there…

🎶 🎶 🎶 🎶
Come with me and you’ll see
what it’s like to live by child predation.
What you’ll find in their hearts
is fear, shame, and degradation.

To begin, take a spin
on one of my deviant creations.
Here your sins won’t require expiation.

If you want to do little kids,
I will teach you how to find them.
You can sneak up right behind them,
drag them to your van, then gag and bind them.

There’s a place you can go
to wallow in pure degeneration.
In my lair you’ll be free
to commit atrocities.
🎶 🎶 🎶 🎶

The quiet dignity of Morning Musume

This showed up on Takitumblr today, after being spotted on Twitter. It turns up in a lot of “wacky Japan” roundups going back years, and of course I immediately ID’d the color printer as Miki Fujimoto, a graduate of the Hello!Project School of Fashion. Seriously, who else are you going to hire to dress up like this?

If only it were that easy...

I look forward to the Curry Catgirl flavor.

"Someday, you could just walk past a fez."

The DoctorNana Asakawa: “Never gonna happen.”


Who could resist?


Dear Amazon,

Well, some of these might be more stimulating than the Godzilla movies you recommended for a previous “night in”


A cocktail served in big cups

In the US, asking your waitress for this particular variety of shōchū cocktail might get you arrested… unless it’s the kind of place that also sells lap dances.

It certainly sounds more appealing than the tomato flavor they offer.


“Need a clue, take a clue,
 got a clue, leave a clue”