Bought a shiny new Series 4 Apple Watch (finally reasonably functional, useful for recording my current diet/workout plan, and promising decent battery life) on Monday.
Battery was surprisingly drained when I got home last night. (farewell dinner for a member of our already-understaffed IT department, joy!)
This morning? It went from 100% to 18% in just over 3 hours, and all I’m doing is sitting at my laptop working. Maybe I get up occasionally, stretch, and grab a (diet) soda.
Naturally, Apple offers no visibility into what could be draining the battery, but force-killing the few apps I have and turning off pretty much all background activity and notifications haven’t slowed the drain.
In the time it took me to type this, it dropped another 3%.
“Dear Apple, stop mining bitcoin on my wrist”
Good: Power-cycling the watch seems to have fixed it (for now).
Bad: I power-cycled my watch. This is not the future I was promised.
File under peculiar the fact that neither his IMDB nor Wikipedia entries mentions Christian Kane’s short-lived cooking show, Kane’s Kitchen.
About half of the Amazon reviews for Once Upon A Deadpool are complaints that it’s a PG-13 version of Deadpool 2 with the framing device from The Princess Bride.
Which was the entire point, and was made painfully clear in the trailers. I’ve completely lost my ability to even.
When you’re delivering 2 42-pound packages with adult signature required, it’s generally a good idea to ring the bell and knock a few times before leaving a tag that says “I’ll try again Monday”.
This advice is not just for 4-days-to-Christmas.
Bonus fuck-you to customer service for taking half an hour to pick up the phone, only to automatically change the packages so they’re held for pickup rather than redelivery, which I definitely did not request. Because we have nothing better to do than their job.
(actually, he changed one of the packages to be held, and seemed to know nothing about the other one on the InfoNotice until I told him; Gold Stars For Attendance all the way around)
Oh, FFS; turns out the driver who left the InfoNotice tag hadn’t even bothered to scan its barcode into the system. There was no record of it when we drove over to pick up the packages, and they had to look up both tracking numbers instead.