Why Hast Thou Forsaken Us?
Anyone who thinks this is a good idea, please write on the board a thousand times:
Therapeutic Role-Play Is Not Gaming.
Someone has responded with the treatment it deserves:
This is a DM-less narrative RPG. Before play commences, players need to have read and filled (anonymously) the RPG CONSENT FORM. If any items where ticked, then do not, I repeat DO NOT, play the RPG CONSENT FORM: THE FREEFORM RPG.
The object of the RPG CONSENT FORM: THE RPG is to create a romantic scene that tried to break from the normal tropes and cliches. Here is how to do this.
Should I point out that I can buy three singles for less than the price of the two-pack?
Because San Francisco is Desperately Evading Real Problems (DERP), their Department Of Progressive Euphemisms (DOPE) has solved the problem of crime and drug addiction by replacing the derogatory terms for the crooks and bums that have filled their streets with crime and their sidewalks with feces. Convicted criminals are now Justice-Involved Persons or Formerly-Incarcerated Persons. Since recidivism has been redefined as Addiction, actual addicts are Persons with a History Of Substance Use.
The new temporarily-acceptable terms for criminal minors just roll off the tongue: Young Person Impacted by the Juvenile Justice System and Young Person with Justice System Involvement.
The incorrect interpretation is surprisingly plausible:
Facebook releases tools to flag harmful content on GitHub
(screenshot after the jump, so you don’t have to look at Zuck)
No idea how this ties into “Cycling”. Unless she’s a personal trainer.
Also, what have I purchased that made you think a “Cycling” category would be a good set of recommendations?
Then again…
Please stop putting things in the “New Releases” recommendation list three months before they’re released. This has been showing up on my lists for weeks, and not only does the Kindle edition not come out until September, the paperback edition doesn’t come out until December.
Never change: the smartphone-powered mister. Because nothing says “out of warranty repair” like connecting a water supply to your charging port.
Fortunately for them, no one ever robs jewelry stores…