
The Triumph of Saint Hubble

If the Fundies are going to insist that science is just another religion, I think it’s only fair that we have our own religious art.

Bug Nebula

Update: finally has a page up with details and more images, so I updated the link.

Oh, sure, I'll play along

I guess I’m just an Internet Lemming at heart:

  1. Grab the nearest book.
  2. Open the book to page 23.
  3. Find the fifth sentence.
  4. Post the text of the sentence in your journal along with these instructions.
The Tōkyō Metropolitan Area 首都圏 in particular, although less than 2.0 percent in terms of area, has a concentration of 23.4 percent of the national population.

This is from Japan: Profile of a Nation (Kodansha International, 1999). Surprisingly readable, despite the high information density.

Las Vegas trip highlights: Angela Little

So, I’ve returned from my little road trip to Las Vegas, and I bless the kind soul who let me know that Angela was the X-Mate for this month in ‘X - An Erotic Adventure’ at the Aladdin.


“Need a clue, take a clue,
 got a clue, leave a clue”