The everybody-telecommute edition.
In other news, we’re fully rebooked for November in Japan, and ended up gaining a day in Tokyo. I’ve penciled in a day trip to Kamakura and Enoshima.
Today’s easy-to-assemble Pixiv tag is 剥ぎ取りたいブラ, “bra I want to tear off”. To be followed by “cops I want to be arrested by”, “lawyers I want to defend me”, and “prison guards who won’t make me cry like a little girl”.
Work-safety is, of course, dubious.
Corona-chan kind of stole her thunder last week, but as of her birthday on February 26th, Ai Shinozaki has spent 14 of her 28 years deftly using bikinis and lingerie to turn boys into men.
Unrelated, Interspecies Reviewers first does some LARPing, and then shows what a real succubus can do to a man. We thought Crim was an angel, but it turns out he’s actually a Kewpie.
Okay, it’s kind of related.
What isn’t related is that we’re probably going to reschedule the upcoming Japan trip. Our flight into Haneda hasn’t been canceled yet (although lots of Narita flights have, likely because most of the passengers were going on to China or S. Korea), and our hotel has slashed their prices in half, but as I mentioned earlier, a lot of things are closing or already closed, and my sister’s doctor is telling her “not just no, but hell no” (recent recovery from bacterial pneumonia…).
What’s completely unrelated is that I just got a Naganadel in a wonder trade on Pokemon Home. Not obviously hacked like the level 100 6IV Reshiram that showed up a few days ago, at least, and it’s one of the few things that people are willing to trade a MewTwo for.
Now back to Ai-chan.
Pokémon takes place in a universe without the concept of “stranger danger”, where it is perfectly reasonable to send pre-teens out on their own to travel the world, battle other kids for their lunch money, go home with newly-met adults, and take candy from strangers. I find this innocence oddly refreshing. In any other game, you’d be asking what exactly this little girl is doing in a hotel room with a dirty cop and two hookers:
In Pokémon-land, though, it just means you’ve found the CEO’s avatar and can battle him for useful loot.
The first sign that the new Pokemon Sword & Shield game(s) would be a hit was Nessa/ルリナ, who hit the fan-sites like a leggy, barely-clad ton of bricks:
(yes, she dresses her early-teen “assistants” in the same outfit, and gives the protagonist a set to wear as well…)
But the real draw has proven to be pouty-punk rival Marnie/マリィ, who’s
so popular that in the upcoming DFCDLC, you’ll be able to cosplay
as her in-game:
Or in 3D, if you’ve got the chops:
As for choosing Sword versus Shield, there’s no contest:
This is reinforced in the expansion with Sword-exclusive Clara, who had sexy fan-art about ten minutes after the announcment ended:
Something supporting character Sonia can relate to:
Not that any character has been spared…
I hadn’t noticed the Pixiv tag 安産型 (literally “easy-childbirth type”, idiomatically “child-bearing hips”), until I added the pic of the BotW version of Zelda to my recent musing on the topic of reintegrating into society after life as a deranged murderhobo. (related: 1, 2)
The challenge with this set is not just linking to Houtengeki. 😁
Caught up in work and Breath of the Wild (status: I suck at Trial of the Sword), so here’s a typical assortment of cheesecake. I really need to catch up on filling in names sometime…
I briefly investigated “Master Mode”, the harder mode for BotW, and it’s pretty pointless for anyone who hasn’t mastered controller combo moves, even with a heaping helping of cloned amiibo to drop piles of loot from the sky and overcome the enhanced weapon-frailty system (even in the tutorial zone, you need two or more weapons to finish a fight, unless you can trigger a flurry-of-blows combo reliably).
There appear to be some actually interesting changes that I’ll likely never really get to, like the floating platforms with monsters and lootable chests. I pretty much gave up on it after reaching Hateno and upgrading all of my runes. I probably wouldn’t have gotten there so easily without the amiibo horse drop (Epona, for those who know the series).
The widely-available cloned amiibo NFC cards are quite useful, and the art on them is cute enough that I’d like to find out who drew it and see what else they’ve done; the current set has 24 cards, and the two sets I’ve used had different serial numbers, so you could scan them all every day for double the loot. I also acquired an old Nexus 5 for a few bucks, loaded the TagMo app, randomized serial numbers with the pyamiibo library, and picked up a pack of 50 NFC stickers for a decent price. You can get the tags even cheaper from Ali Express, but Amazon’s a lot quicker. Besides, I’m still kind of miffed at Alibaba for buying up our building.
(the mini cards, by the way, are the same height/width as a Switch cartridge, making them easy to slip into a case for travel)
Unrelated, while typing the above, my power blipped. This is apparently the new normal in Californistan.
Yuu has been posting on Pixiv for 9 years now, and has improved dramatically from those early sketches.
Here’s a little something to warm your cockles. If you have cockles, anyway; they can warm something else if you like, I don’t judge.
We’ve secretly replaced our shipgirls with Folgers Crystals. Let’s see if the recommendation engine notices.