I’m pretty sure there’s nothing Egyptian about these costumes, despite their use in your new stage show “Pharaoh’s Tomb”.
Shouldn’t these be called naanites?
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Well, flyover country’s kinda laid back,
Ain’t much an old Deplorable like me can’t hack.
Grab a couple guns, toss ’em in the back.
Thank God for the NRA.Well, inanimate objects never did me no harm,
There’s no one in my family afraid of a firearm.
Eddie Eagle says ‘kids, it’s not a magic charm’.
Thank God for the NRA.Well, I got me a rifle to make the Left piddle,
With the black scary parts that all do very little.
Logic’s wasted on a mob that needs committal.
Thank God for the NRA.
When the shootin’s done and the guns are aglow,
I pull out my cleanin’ kit and give ’em all a go,
Lock ’em in the safe where I keep the fresh ammo,
And thank God for the NRA.I’d do Mozambique drills all day if I could,
’Cause the wife says it scares hippies from our neighborhood.
But unlike them I’ve a job, pay’s pretty good.
So thank God for the NRA.Well, I got me a rifle to make the Left piddle,
With the black scary parts that all do very little.
Logic’s wasted on a mob that needs committal.
Thank God for the NRA, woo-hoo!
Well, I wouldn’t trade my guns for diamonds or jewels,
I never was one of them bunny-huggin’ fools.
Rather have my rifle and my loadin’ tools.
Thank God for the NRA.Yeah, city folk spittin’ on Army and Marine,
A lotta sad losers thinkin’ that’s a-mighty keen.
People they can’t understand, they gotta demean.
Thank God for the NRA.Well, I got me a rifle to make the Left piddle,
With the black scary parts that all do very little.
Logic’s wasted on a mob that needs committal.
Thank God for the NRA, yessir!
Well, my rifle was my daddy’s till the day he died,
And he took me by the hand, held me close to his side.
Said, “Live a good life, shoot the rifle with pride,
and thank God for the NRA”.Well, my daddy taught me young how to hunt and how to whittle,
Taught me how to work and play a tune on the fiddle,
Taught me that with lib’rals, ya lead ’em just a little—
And thank God for the NRA.Well, I got me a rifle to make the Left piddle,
With the black scary parts that all do very little.
Logic’s wasted on a mob that needs committal.
Woo! Thank God for the NRA, yeah!
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I’d say all the cool kids are doing it, but I’d have to leave out the “cool” part…
In beta now, Bionic Beaver. Next up should be Steely Dan; it fits their marketing strategy.
A lot of people are talking about turning the tables on the NRA boycotters by going to progressive bakeries and insisting they decorate cakes with pro-2nd messages. This is unlikely to work, since the sort of people who try to shut down Christian businesses for opposing gay marriage are unlikely to be able to run successful businesses themselves. You’d only be annoying people who aren’t really your enemies.
Fun to fantasize about, though…
“Hi, I’d like to order a special cake for a civil rights party.”
"Great! We'd love to have your business!"
“I want a big picture of an AR-15 with the words μολὼν λαβέ underneath.”
"You what now?"
“Yeah, and surround the AR-15 with rainbow sprinkles, because it’s a gay little poodle-shooter.”
I don’t know how these things pop into my head, really I don’t.
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Where have all the good trolls gone,
and where are all the frauds?
Where’s the foul-mouthed twitter-mob
that spits upon the Odds?Won’t somebody white-knight
their own misogyny?
Late at night I go online
and I get all that I need.I need a Tumblr!
I’m holding out for a Tumblr full of anger and spite!
It’s gotta be lame
and it’s gotta be woke
and it’s gotta be picking a fight!
I need a Tumblr!
I’m holding out for a Tumblr SJW insight!
Self-righteous for sure,
acting out like a loon,
and it’s got to be from a lowlife.
One with no life.
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