Can you imagine what the world would be like today if Hef had gone with his original “stag” logo and theme? Antlers just don’t have the same impact. Then again, as our lead bunny-girl’s companion illustrates, what if he’d gone with a kitten theme and started the catgirl revolution decades early?
For these posts, I’m typically scanning about 5-10 times as many thumbnails as I view at full size, then only downloading maybe 3/4 of those. I keep doing that until I have around 40-50 images, which I edit down to 20-25. Which means my leftovers folder has at least 15 images from each set, plus some from keywords that didn’t work out. In other words, ~250 pictures that are good enough to post but lacking a coherent theme. A chanpurū, if you will.
7 days ago was my birthday (50th, as it happens) and 7 days from now is Christmas, so it’s time for a special triple-length cheesecake post, and the theme is naughty and nice anime girls riding the sleigh, hurrying down the chimney, jingling bells, making merry, raising spirits, putting lumps in stockings, visiting the north pole, unwrapping their presents, and giving joy to the world. Some of those are euphemisms, but as usual, you’ll have to do your own Gelbooru searches to find the more intimate images.
While searching, I came across the following wonderfully clueless comment on this image:
"removing zettai_ryouiki, she is nowhere to be found in this picture, please don't mistag"
Apparently he didn’t realize he was soaking in it.
Yes, it’s true: the most common adjective associated with nurses is ‘naughty’, and Gelbooru contributors firmly embrace this. So much so that I had to pass over quite a few, especially the ones that involved equipment less wholesome than stethoscopes and syringes…
The number one lesson I learned from browsing the oldschool tag was that, even with an exclusion list that weeded out the really raw stuff, most fan artists have very intimate memories of their childhood favorites. Especially Nausicaa.
No red half-rims here, because apparently they hadn’t been invented yet!
There are two basic problems with the monster_girl category at Gelbooru: lolis and Everyday Life With Monster Girls. Both are a bit overexposed. Lots of mermaids, too, of course, but as long as it’s not the same one every time, that’s fine.
Or, more precisely, Chii’s-cake. Rather large image after the jump, worth clicking through to the much-larger original if you like the character.