
Cheesecake: book

You know what goes well with books? Damn near anything! I could have narrowed down this category with any of a dozen tags, and still had plenty of images to choose from. Instead, I started hitting every Nth page and used the extras to restock my leftover folder for future chanpurū.

Of course, no book collection would be complete without Yomiko Readman:


Cheesecake Champloo 3: Teh Sexy

To celebrate the arrival of a complete archive of Steven’s self-hosted Chizumatic web site, courtesy of his brother, I’m loosening the rules a bit and posting some images that were a bit over the top for my usual “mostly-cheerful cheesecake” posts. NSFW after the jump. [he forgot to include the top-level USS Clueless site directories, but he just went on what sounds like a badly-needed vacation, so I’ll wait a week or two before pursuing that]

[Update: I’ve got a test copy of the Chizumatic site running under Nginx, and it looks fully functional, with none of the dead links the version has; the top rotation doesn’t rotate, of course, but that was a cron job before he came up with his Flash app. I think all we need to do is merge the USS Clueless copy from with this and get some embedded links cleaned up, and it can be fully restored and hosted somewhere.]

[Update: I think I’ve successfully merged the two together with everything intact except links to the Ultimate Bulletin Board install he stopped using in 7/2002. managed to save static copies of some discussion threads that Steven linked directly from the blog, but not the bulk of it. UBB apparently didn’t have a backing database, so if Steven’s brother finds it and sends another care package, it should be fairly easy to recreate. That might take a while, because he wants to be sure that nothing personal or private is released.

When will it be public? Above my pay grade. I think Pixy will give it a permanent home in The Munuvian Empire when he gets a chance. He has access to the data I’ve been using, and I just uploaded a compressed tarball of the merged sites.]

[Monday morning update: why, yes, I am a bit OCD. With a little bit of Perl regexp abuse, I got the existing UBB links to display correctly.]


Cheesecake Champloo 2

I thought “amazon” would be a good keyword to try, but it’s 70% Wonder Woman, 20% One Piece, 4% Dragon’s Crown, and 80% porn. So it’s time for another trip through the leftovers folder.


Cheesecake: umbrella

In honor of my storm-destroyed patio umbrella…


Cheesecake: red hair

Nothing says Valentine like red hair. A fair number with glasses, too, and in the immortal words of Gracie Law, “Oh, that’s an extra to these people. It’s like leather bucket seats, it’s double the price.”

According to a scientific survey of Gelbooru, anime redheads have trouble keeping their clothes on and their orifices unexplored, which may explain some of their personality quirks. I added a few new negative keywords to cut down on the amount of this stuff I had to skip over. Also, fandoms may come and go, but apparently Ranma is eternal.

[Takanashi sisters come first, because Interviews with Monster Girls is awesome]


Cheesecake: wrench

After last night’s Cheesecake Factory bombing in Pasadena, it seems necessary to fight back with factory cheesecake, or as close as I could get at Gelbooru, wrench wenches!

(and it looks like the as-yet-uncaught perpetrator was either the most inept terrorist of the year or a typical hipster)


Cheesecake: ninja & animal ears

“Ninja” was obviously too broad a category, but “ninja cat_ears” wasn’t quite enough. Besides, you can’t have too much Yuki, so I expanded the search to include all animal ears, real and fake.

No red half-rims, so let’s start off with a little Nonsense:


Cheesecake: Dog Days

Even after an extensive exclusion list, the majority of pictures in the dog_days category on Gelbooru featured heavy petting, so some popular characters are sadly underrepresented.

Red half-rims below the fold, because boobs.

Update: I never knew there was a bonus onsen episode from the third season:


“Need a clue, take a clue,
 got a clue, leave a clue”