I either need to stop downloading or post faster. I’m up to 3.4 GB of living girls and nearly 6 GB of Pixiv. Maybe I’ll schedule a bunch of cheesecake for while I’m on vacation in April.
Names added for all but 5.5 pictures; the half is the cover photo of an AV film that doesn’t name the actresses. The other five stumped both Google and TinEye.
Robot girl takes it all off!
No, stop, put some of that back on.
Of course mecha-musume get mecha-bare, but in the keyword メカバレ (meka-baré), it comes from the verb bareru (“to be exposed”), so in context it’s a gal whose robotic parts are showing. Naturally, this will often also involve exposure of her more human parts as well.
Sadly, a simple search for メカバレ felt a lot like the old days of trying to pull cheesecake off of Gelbooru: I had to skip over lots of loli, bondage, rape, and loli-bondage-rape pics to find these. I allowed minor combat damage, but the more severe stuff was not appealing.
Since switching to Pixiv as my primary 2D image source, I’ve been bookmarking every picture I blog. Last night, I hacked together another PixivPy script to figure out which artists I’ve blogged work from, sorted by number of images and whether or not I follow them. The core of the code looks more or less like this, for anyone who might want to play with PixivPy:
from pixivpy3 import *
aapi = AppPixivAPI()
aapi.auth(refresh_token = my_auth_token)
result = aapi.user_bookmarks_illust(aapi.user_id)
for i in result.illusts:
if i.user.id == 0:
if i.user.is_followed:
# do stuff
# do other stuff
while result.next_url:
next_qs = aapi.parse_qs(result.next_url)
result = aapi.user_bookmarks_illust(**next_qs)
for i in result.illusts:
if i.user.id == 0:
if i.user.is_followed:
# do stuff
# do other stuff
(the i.user.id == 0
check was discovered through old-school printf
debugging; it’s the only place in the API where I’ve needed something
like that so far)
The most-blogged artists list currently looks like this:
Count | Artist |
12 | N.G. |
10 | ちた@1月からのお仕事募集中 |
9 | もねてぃ◎エロゲ3月発売 |
8 | 朱シオ |
7 | 方天戟(げっきー) |
7 | みづき |
6 | ましゅー |
6 | Salmon88 |
6 | 柊はじめ@C95月曜日カ46a |
6 | 森沢晴行 |
6 | mamuru日曜日東D46b |
5 | 風牙 |
5 | しろきつね:こみトレ_ア25a |
5 | はまけん。@2日目西れ43b |
5 | 立羽 @ 3日目 西れ-29a |
5 | 米白粕 |
5 | たけあしろ |
5 | whoisshe |
5 | 宮前りん |
5 | ヤッペン@5月以降仕事募集中 |
5 | GIn00 |
5 | 弾 |
5 | TanDo |
For all their big talk, Tumblrgeddon is pretty much a wet firecracker. They chased away a bunch of content creators, but the only content accurately blocked by their censorware is bare titties, and all sorts of things you might have expected to be blocked (like intimate closeups of (anatomical) assholes) are still right there in your face.
Not only are the sites I pull my non-nude cheesecake from still running at full speed, a number of sites that republish Tumblr-hosted images are still showing nudes without any sort of sign-in barrier. (names omitted to preserve this state of affairs as long as possible…)
Unrelated, I was searching Pixiv for souji (掃除) pictures, and I found myself thinking, “gosh, there’s a surprising amount of cocksucking in housework… oh, wait, she’s ‘cleaning’ it”.
Finally found the last name; interestingly, it took three tries over the weekend to get Google image search to find her.
Working to shake up my recommendations at Pixiv, here’s “any keywords that contain 眼鏡, めがね, or メガネ”…
Next time, I think I’ll do a chanpurū, to really mix it up.
I’ve been bookmarking every pic I post from Pixiv, because they’re used to weight the recommendation algorithm. Unfortunately, doing something like posting a big batch of Idolmaster pics skews the results, so that lately most of what I’ve been seeing are more Idolmaster pics.
With that in mind, I queried my DB for all the pics I’ve downloaded that are tagged with strings containing ネコ, ねこ, or 猫. Cats and cat-ears galore!