
She's no Su-Metal, but...

…Mayu Yoshioka gives it the old loli knight elf try.

And here’s the OP animation for comparison.

The “full length” versions of these songs suffer from the usual problem with padding out something that was carefully designed to be 90 seconds long, but they’re not bad. Hers works better than his.


Been too busy braiding to watch this week’s Cop Craft episode, but the phrase “Tirana goes undercover in a high-class brothel” has definite potential.

Also a bit of a surprise, since I was pretty sure that they finished off book 2 last week, and book 3 has her going undercover in a high school. Side story? Leftovers from the end of book 2? Dunno. Maybe she does both as part of the same story?

DanMachi 2.6: Like taking babies from candy

In which Bell discovers Orario’s red-light district and a princess in need of rescuing, and Hermes gets more than he bargained for. And I don’t mean rubber ducks.

(this week’s new character in the game turns out to be Ishtar; perhaps they won’t add Haruhime until her power is revealed in an upcoming episode)

Tsundere for Bell

This is actually a bit disturbing…

A Semanian Virgin In San Teresa's Vice

Cop Craft spoilers, ho.


Cop Craft episode 6

After last week’s Dire Menace From Another Time (with a side order of foreshadowing), it’s time to kick back, relax, and develop some characters! This story was the second half of book 2, and it feels pretty wrapped-up to me, which means they’re really pushing to get through the source material. At least it worked pretty well this time, the relationship between Our Heroes is solidifying, and Tirana got some entertaining culture shocks. Still no sign of the cute elf photojournalist from the OP, who isn’t in any of the light-novel illustrations, so I don’t know when or where she shows up.

Unrelated, I’d like to state for the record that I have never had any information about alleged financial, sexual, or criminal acts undertaken by or on behalf of anyone related to, employed by, or associated with Bill and/or Hillary Clinton. Never never. Absolutely sure of it.

DanMachi 2.5

In which Our Heroes get their Just Rewards, and A Great Darkness Covers The… no, wait, it’s just rubber ducks. Evil, evil rubber ducks. A little R&R before the Haruhime story kicks off.

(And, no, she doesnt seem to be in the game yet; since this week’s new characters were Daphne and Cassandra, I presume she’ll show up next week. If they implement something even vaguely close to her power, she’ll be very popular for PvP)

Cop Craft episode 5

Still holds my interest, still feels rushed, wish the vampire chick had nipples.

My biggest concern is that they ripped through book one in 3.5 episodes, and the other books are all about 20% shorter. How far do they plan to get in 12 episodes, and will the results be coherent?

DanMachi 2.4

In which the first arc is quickly wrapped up, thankfully getting rid of the mustache-twirling ugly people who were spitting into the camera. Nice cameo by Mord, who’s clearly learned his lesson (he’s practically tsundere in the DanMemo game…). Pity that Lili’s self-esteem is so firmly tied up in Bell, but maybe Finn can help out with that (misleading non-spoiler).

Next up: Amazons, ho! No, wait, I meant Amazon hoes!

“Need a clue, take a clue,
 got a clue, leave a clue”