Endro! has produced relatively little fan-art so far. Perhaps it’s simply flying under the radar; I don’t recall any mention of it before Don’s. Cute and fluffy, without adaptation baggage, and entertaining enough that I watched the latest one as soon as it came out on Crunchyroll.
So far Mei seems like the least-unlikely waifu candidate: she’s a magic-card-collecting otaku with stockings, garters, and a skirt slit up to there with bonus pantsu window, and she cooks. Fai has huge tracts of land, but a disturbing tendency to vigorously gnaw on things when she’s hungry, which is always. Seira is a cute, responsible bookworm, but suffers from A-cup angst, poor housekeeping skills, is ashamed she needs glasses, and is mildly delusional. Yusha is improbably lucky and severely delusional. Mao-chan is, of course, a loli with destiny issues, while Princess Rona is fixated on her heroine ifyouknowwhatimeanandithinkyoudo. Unnamed Teacher is the only adult female so far, and dresses for sexcess, but she’s a bit of a lolicon.
…wherever he is: moe maid glasses shop, with plenty of under-rim glasses styles.
Note that this is part of the Candy Fruit maid empire, which includes an actual housemaid service (“we do windows, but we won’t do you!”).
If they announced a second season of Zombieland Saga, I’d be on it like Tae on squid.
After the jump, my favorite fan-art to date…
(and NSFW…)
So I’ve now watched the finale of Zombieland Saga, in which the Indians do, in fact, win the pennant, despite Sakura’s secret superpower.
While adding only one tiny hint of explanation, namely Our ZombieMaster’s deepest, darkest, dorkiest secret.
My overall rating for the series is two Stenza and a Pting. No, wait, that’s what I want to feed to Tae-chan; I meant four dried squid out of five.
In other news, I watched some really good Doctor Who episodes…
…involving River Song, Wilfred Mott, Donna Noble, Martha Jones…
Despite setting up and then cheerfully ignoring Chekhov’s Warning Sign, this week’s angsty teen zombie drama reveals that Our Heroine is trope-ariffic.
They also drop some more clues about Our ZombieMaster, but do not go so far as The Big Reveal. Instead, we’re in that crucial moment of the classic underdog sports story, where the hero has lost confidence the night before the big game.
Will Vaughn pitch the strikeout that the Indians need to win the pennant? Tune in next week, for Idol League (no relation; also no relation).