
My brain just melted...

When confronted with the concept of Winona Ryder as Spock’s mother, it shorted across the generation gap.

"Hello", Scott!

Scott informed me that I’d managed to get this song stuck in his head, and it seemed unfair to make him the only one. This is the entire Hello!Project army, circa New Years 2007. The big girls come on stage about 2 minutes in.

Okay, this might not suck

Jodie Foster romances the stone? It could work.

Dear Hollywood: Just... just... STOP, okay?

Jim Carrey in Horton Hears A Who. At least it’s not live action.

Girls with guns...


Not Smart

The teaser trailer for the new Get Smart movie should have spent a lot less time on Max, and a lot more time on 99 (Anne Hathaway). Or 23 (The Rock). Or the Chief (Alan Arkin). Or even the empty phone booth (uncredited), because the actor they cast for Max just doesn’t have it.

"It's here, it's here, the movie of the year!"

No, not that one. Or that one. Or, well, anything you were planning to see this summer.

I mean this one, with an HD trailer that’s so far away from the original teaser that they must have spent weeks assembling it from spare footage.

Why I Am Legend might suck

  1. The director of Constantine and Britney Spears Greatest Hits.
  2. The screenwriter of Poseidon (whose next project will be Marvel Comics' Thor).
  3. More a remake of The Omega Man than a straight adaptation of the original story.

Why it might not suck:

  1. Will Smith appears to be acting, not simply mugging for the camera.
  2. Cinematography by the Director of Photography from the Lord of the Rings movies.
  3. Decent trailer.

“Need a clue, take a clue,
 got a clue, leave a clue”