
On second thought...

First response: this picture of Maria Makino makes me want to find more pictures of her.

Second response: her Wikipedia entry makes me want to wait a few years before I do that image search. Idols really need warning labels.

Glamour Photography Tip

If your model ends up looking like a RealDoll or the setup for Chobits, you’re doing it wrong.

Gravure or Chobits?

Also, go easy on smoothing out her skin with filters and photoshop until she looks like plastic. The Uncanny Valley is a two-way street.



Simple solutions to complex problems

NSFW after the jump.


Mio Takaba, UPRS

As pleasant to look at as Mio Takaba (link NSFW) is, there always seems to be a challenge in her eyes that promises a need for UPRS should you disappoint her.

Mio Takaba

That’s Urgent Penis Reattachment Surgery. Seriously, even when she’s smiling there’s usually a predatory gleam, and her sultry look makes you want to lock up the kitchen knives. I’ve actually left out the most obvious examples, so I don’t scare you (and because several prominent cheesecake tumblr blogs have vanished recently, so the archives are a bit thin…).

NSFW after the jump, with a special present for Steven…



Whatever they say about black cats crossing your path on Friday the 13th, I can assure you that black catgirls are good luck. Well, catgirls of any shade, really. NSFW after the jump.

Kuroneko cosplay

(more here)

Note: Google keeps autocorrecting “catgirl” to “cat girl”, which shows a disturbing lack of awareness of what people really want to search for.


Dear Hello!Project Costume Designers,

You fired the person who did this, didn’t you? It’s missing almost every element of your house style.


A rare sighting...

Bird-watchers and train-watchers live for that moment when something truly unique crosses their path. I think this shot of a fully-dressed Ai Shinozaki qualifies, especially with her famous curves concealed by a tasty dish.

Ai Shinozaki recharging

Whatever they're selling...



“Need a clue, take a clue,
 got a clue, leave a clue”