
Hello!Project Telepathy Project

Ai says, “OMGWTFBBQ! ROFLMAO! Can you believe this? They forgot to put feathers on my hat!


Hello!Project Telepathy Project

Reina asks, “God, why can’t I get that Duran Duran song out of my head?”


Dear Aya Matsuura,

This is how you enter your new post-H!P career?


Hello!Project Telepathy Project

Koharu says, “I’m only fifteen, so maybe I’m missing something here. Why does the photographer keep leaving the room ‘for some me time’?”


Just for H!P fans...

Someone had a top-ten poll online for Hello!Project members. Since all the cool kids are doing it, I quickly clicked my way through and picked a set. The auto-generated pictures are ordered 1-10, but I didn’t obsess over the order, I just tried to pick a group. Most of the ones who fell just outside the top ten were in the “too darn young no matter how pretty they are” category.

It’s no coincidence that 9 of my 10 were “graduated” during the recent agency house-cleaning; star-pimp Tsunku is focusing his efforts on catching them (very) young and refreshing the brand. I, on the other hand, find women more interesting than girls, and appreciate fully-developed personalities and talents as well as bodies. His most spectacular meltdown to date (still quite mellow by US child-star standards) was a girl who started at 12; the new kids are a lot younger.

So, the list:


Pop Quiz

Q: What do the following sentences have in common?

  • Dinner is ready.
  • This cloth will make me a coat.
  • A pool forms.
  • A son was born to them.
  • Mushrooms grow well in damp places.
  • Watermelons are produced here.
  • Some business turned up and prevented me from going there.
  • His income enables him to live a decent life.
  • He is good for nothing.
  • A tender understanding seems to have been formed between the two.


Hello!Project Telepathy Project

Reina says, “You can call yourself an artist all you want, shutterbug; the bikini stays on.”


Hello!Project Telepathy Project

Reading Sayumi‘s mind, I hear: Mommy, please let me come home. I don’t like it here any more. I promise I’ll finish school and clean up after my pets and marry a nice salaryman, just pleasepleaseplease get me out of this contract.


“Need a clue, take a clue,
 got a clue, leave a clue”