
Dear Weeping Angel,

Bad time to cover your face?

Weeping Angel versus stairs


Had to close the window...

Sigh. My neighbor’s son is rapping in the back yard while shooting hoops. Badly (the rapping, at least). I presume he’s wearing headphones, since all I hear is his attempt to sound black.

Trigger Warning...

If you’re over a certain age, this picture is sure to be triggering. You’ve been warned!


Pursue the good life...

Yamaha satyr


Dear Amazon,

Categorization hits and misses:

Cooper on health and fitness
Remo Williams, standup comedian

(and, yes, the Monster Musume manga is still turning up in “self-help books”)

Dear Amazon,

Categorization fail.

Spiritual assassin

Now, why the “box set” that clearly has four titles on the spine only claims to contain books 1-3…

(and, no, I’m not buying)

"Trans" jumped the shark a long time ago...

… with 1985’s ‘Trans-avantgarde magazine for onanists’, Chris:

Chris: 'Trans-avantgarde magazine for onanists'

For more fun, if you go to this partial archive of the magazine to see if they were “reading it for the articles”, and run the page through Bing translate, you’ll find a regular writer whose name gets translated as “Maki’s Puffy Nipples”. This stuck out, so to speak, so I had to look it up. Turns out there’s an OCR error, and the hiragana for 山岸信郎 came out “Maki Shinopu” instead of “Maki Shinobu”. Bing renders the correct hiragana as “Wind-up Shinobu”, which sounds like a Doraemon toy. I have no idea how they got “puffy nipples” out of “shinopu”; must be the “pu”.

They always go for the bad boys...

Tokusatsu proposal


“Need a clue, take a clue,
 got a clue, leave a clue”