
Lucas terrifies another generation

Wow, the eyes really are the windows of the soul.

The Soul of an Ewok

Infectious song of the day

This one has been following me around since junior high school Health class, and for some unknown reason it once again popped into my brain. Google seems to have no record of it, so I might be the only one in the world who remembers this little ditty:

I got those V, VD blues,
careless love, what ya got to lose?
I got high, on two-bit booze,
careless love, loser's blues, VD blues.

(note that for full effect, one must picture a bad country-western singer, backed up by a banjo (if I recall correctly), serving as the title song for a Sex-Ed video made in the 1970s. And I can still sing it. These are the brain cells I wouldn’t mind losing as I get older.)

I've seen worse political quizzes

This one isn’t bad. It correctly divines that while no one truly represents me (“ideal theoretical candidate”, 100%), I’d generally be inclined to vote Libertarian (Badnarik, 69%), if it weren’t for my compelling interest in the survival of western civilization (Bush, 63%).

It puts Kerry at 44% for me, but it’s not clear how recently they’ve checked his positions on the issues. I’ll have to try again tomorrow and see if the same answers produce different results…

Random thought for the day

Dinner tonight was based on a curry mix I picked up at Mitsuwa. I think all packaged foods should include the instructions “break sauce into pieces”.

T-shirt, please

This needs to be a t-shirt, so I’ll have something to wear when Celebrate Diversity is in the wash.

Kerryland Nuisance Advisory System

Skinship gone awry

“When I was your age, ‘blowing off school’ meant something entirely different.”

And so every evening Haruki's studying was prefaced by a 15-minute maternal blow job. His concentration improved; his marks soared.
"Mothers do want their children to pass those exams..."

(via Peeve Farm)

"Hey Rocky, watch me pull a foreign policy out of my ass!"

“That trick never works.”

John Kerry, International Man Of Mystery

Least convincing spam subject line of the week...

As seen on CBS News!

’nuff said.

“Need a clue, take a clue,
 got a clue, leave a clue”