
Dear Jack Burton,

You really shouldn’t carry your knife that way.

Big Trouble abroad

The Rock’s proposed remake is apparently still in the concept stage, and I hope it stays that way.

(for some reason, I now hear Edith Bunker’s voice singing “Mister, we could use a man like Ol’ Jack Burton again…”)

Easier than a tattoo, and just as amusing to the natives...

I have no idea what's written on this t-shirt


We were ninja once, and dumb

I love the question at the bottom left.

Spirit of Ninja, issue 1

This magazine apparently lasted only six issues, so apparently by 1987 we’d reached Peak Ninja.

Doomfarers of Santa

Dear Amazon, I think you’ve got your wires a bit crossed…

Doomfarers of Santa

I just don’t remember any reindeer, red-nosed or otherwise, in Brian Daley’s debut fantasy novel.

Dear Amazon,

So, this is your Thanksgiving recommendation for me?


I got nothin’

Training Pikachu

Note: the lack of blogging has nothing whatsoever to do with Fallout 4. Nope, not at all. I can quit any time, as soon as I finish upgrading my power armor and fighting off waves of Super Mutants.

Scary moment: returning to my home town to find that one of my settlers was wandering around with a nuclear grenade launcher; I calmly explained the concept of “friendly fire” and confiscated both of his launchers and all his spare mini nukes. Kids today, I don’t know where they pick up these things.

Western food is destroying Japan

No, really:

So much for 'peanut butter jelly time'

Practice Safe Soldering

Not Safe For Lab

Turns out deleted tweets can still reproduce…

“Need a clue, take a clue,
 got a clue, leave a clue”