
Doin’ the Obama Tango

Apparently he just couldn’t say no to a quick tango during his failed-state tourist cruise, but the moment I heard about it, all I could think of was the end credits from Amazon Women On The Moon:

Silence of the Ducks

Wonderduck is suffering from an unspecified funk. I think I’ve found a type of rubber ducky that might not be in his collection, so maybe that could cheer him up…



Carry on, kitty

There’s nothing I hate more than a web site filled with animated GIFs that takes forever to load and spins up your CPU fans. So this one goes after the jump, even though it’s completely safe for work.


It's a dog's life...



Dear Amazon,

Once Upon A Time, I’m sure “old boy” style Pipe Lighters fit the category of “household supplies”.

Amazon recommends household supplies

However, even in Japan, these are not self-help books:


Cheating fate

What to do when your fortune cookie says “You will become a crazy cat lady”.

Crazy cat lady in training


Spots in the wild

Seems legit...

Lazy spammer

“Need a clue, take a clue,
 got a clue, leave a clue”