
A cocktail served in big cups

In the US, asking your waitress for this particular variety of shōchū cocktail might get you arrested… unless it’s the kind of place that also sells lap dances.

It certainly sounds more appealing than the tomato flavor they offer.


Dear Amazon,

Well, at least you can’t be accused of whitewashing your recommendations…

Otaku Diversity


Transspecies Heteronormative Toxic CisPrivileged Male Gaze

I feel triggered.


Dear Amazon,

I think you’re pushing your personal kinks a little too hard.

Shall-Issue Open Carry


I got nuthin'...

…so here’s a nice pair of melons.


Curry Udon target practice

I need to order these for me and my sister, for our next trip to Japan…


“Need a clue, take a clue,
 got a clue, leave a clue”