That’s one hell of a Cyber Monday special…
When applying the $Age / 2 + 7
can you add their ages together for a threesome?
Asking for a friend.
By the way, the guy on the left didn’t bring a date; he’s just there to feel up your wife. His name’s Harvey.
Please rally your troupe to nominate What Happened for the Hugo. It’s apparently a first-rate alternate-history novel, although I hear the main character is a bit of a Mary Sue:
“I ran for President because I thought I’d be good at the job. I thought that of all the people who might run, I had the most relevant experience, meaningful accomplishments, and ambitious but achievable proposals, as well as the temperament to get things done in Washington.”
— Hillary Clinton’s ghostwriters
Sorry, but I’m transgenrephobic.
That said, “Night Of The Living A-Ko” does have a certain ring to it.