
Cheesecake Champloo 18


Cheesecake Champloo 17

Okay, I confess: I finally watched the Endless Eight episodes of Haruhi. Dear Ghod, what were they thinking? There wasn’t nearly enough fan-service to justify that much repetition. For more “fun”, Crunchyroll clearly doesn’t have enough streaming servers, since I often can’t watch anything on the iOS or FireTV apps during prime evening hours, and for about half of these episodes, the streaming was interrupted in a way that caused the app to repeat lines of dialog until the video caught up.

In other news, I did some de-duping on the leftover folder, because I noticed some familiar images popping up. Somehow I’d managed to download the exact same images as part of different themes. I also caught a few that were re-uploads with slightly different hashes, and there are some that I’m pretty sure are alternate takes of the same image, but I can’t automate that cleanup, and it’s too much work to sort through the 2,000+ images I’ve already posted. So, just think of it as “the cheesecake so nice, I found it twice”.


Cheesecake Champloo 16


Cheesecake Champloo 15

Yeah, I got nothin’. Honestly, the most important thing I’m doing this week is mailing off a present for my kindergarten teacher’s 70th birthday.


Cheesecake Champloo 14

“That’s no moon, it’s a cheesecake.”


Pingky: Momo

The previously-linked adorable I-8 cosplayer is Pingky aka Momo aka Shimon.

Cheesecake Champloo 13

When it comes to cheesecake, 13 is not unlucky. I’d have put this up sooner, but I really like the picture of I-8 that I opened the last set with.

Speaking of which, here’s a bit of SFW I-8 cosplay.


Cheesecake Champloo 12

I hear there’s some sort of game on today. Meh, whatever.


“Need a clue, take a clue,
 got a clue, leave a clue”