Viewed at thumbnail size, for a moment I thought she’d switched career tracks.
But my opinion is firm: it takes a lot of cheek to tag a girl with 尻神様, so you’ll need to back that up, even if you have to bend over backwards to round up proof that a candidate is ripe to make the cutoff short list. Rear views only, nothing half-assed, and don’t make any cracks about rump sessions, or it’ll all go pear-shaped.
Moon. Buns. Bottom. Behind. Bum. Tush. Fanny.
Yuka Ogura (小倉優香). Age 20. Yum.
I could stare at this smiley cutie for days. In fact, that’s why it took me so long to post this…
When you’ve hired a top model for the whole day, but run out of photo ideas, of course you put her in the pantry. Although, honestly, I see a box of Jell-O in there, so if you need inspiration…
All I know about the mobile game Azur Lane is that it’s causing a new flood of shipgirl cheesecake. That’s not a complaint.
[oddly, this image has been deleted from Pixiv, so I can’t link back to the creator. Unfortunately, my SQLite cache doesn’t have author IDs in it.]
I refuse to leave those Antifa mugshots as the top picture any longer.
Names when I get a chance, as usual.