Fostering bananas

The Courtship Of Foll’s Adoptive Parents, episode 10

As usual, the music is hilariously out of sync with events. This week, Our Dragon Daughter reveals her discovery of her father’s horrific death while a jaunty tune plays in the background. That’s after the one-sided fight between Our Sorcerous Daddy and Our Villain-Not Knight, and Our Crybaby Knight’s revelation of friendship and commitment. And then Something Gets Loose, which inspires the music to get even less appropriate for the scene.

Verdict: there has never been a better candidate for an alternate audio track.

(my image collection is deliberately light on loli, dragon or otherwise)

Nut Salad, episode 9

This week it’s Girl Versus School, and Our Magical Loli Princess Daughter triumphs. As promised, on her first day of sixth grade she acquires four boyfriends and three retainers. Meanwhile, Her First Best Friend, who transferred to a nearby middle school expecting to be in seventh grade with her, is feeling pretty well fucked until she recognizes the signs of bullying and puts her experience to work by playing detective.

Our Girls make up, but there’s still some lingering resentment when Sara admits that she could have just faked her age, but wanted to unlock the “Grade School Detective” achievement.

Verdict: the usual fluffy fun, with the promise of nudity next week. At least some of which will come from Our Loyal Service Knight.

(non-loli princess from whom some nudity would be appreciated…)

Post-War Slime Exposition 3, episode 9

This week, it’s all about the action, as we change to completely different characters for completely different but equally one-sided battles. In other words, last week’s cliffhanger gets to hang on until next week.

Verdict: one could wish that the talking and the action were better integrated and less lopsided. Or that they’d followed up on last week’s surprise nekkid vampire.

(and they haven’t even mentioned Milim recently)

Prime Grubhub

Amazon Prime now covers Grubhub delivery fees, and is integrated for account and payment as well. The app doesn’t work if you set up the account through Amazon, because it doesn’t support using their authentication. You can either go in through Amazon’s app, or visit Grubhub’s site in a browser and request a password-reset link, converting to standard authentication.

The interesting thing is that Amazon promised this two years ago when they bought a stake in Grubhub, but only delivered it yesterday.

🎶 Yes, we have gone bananas 🎶

Unicorn Chaser

A pleasant juxtaposition found in the sidebar of a site that should only be viewed outside of a work environment, with Javascript disabled:

(that’s Aika Sawaguchi & Yuzuha Hongo above, with Miss I-Still-Got-It Ai Shinozaki below)

Apropos of nothing

Catching up on errands, and now I have this song running through my head (with apologies to Indigo Girls):

🎶 🎶 🎶
I went to the Kroger,
   I went to the Costco,
I did all my laundry,
   I ran the dishwasher.
There’s more than one task left uncompleted,
   keeping me from the barbecue.
And the less I search my porch for late deliveries,
   the sooner that I can dine.
🎶 🎶 🎶

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