Elf Nuts

Welcome Back Nephy, episode 5

WTF is with this music? It’s not THIS IS COMEDY, but it’s still intrusively loud, and it’s like they thought layering it onto the conversation scenes would be better than spending the money on, say, animation.

Anyway, obvious villain is obvious, and his monologing kills enough time for Our Socially-Inept Hero to arrive to save the day. But first, a Girls’ Night Out featuring Our Winged Tailor and Our Crybaby Knight.

Verdict: the music pushed this one toward the edge, Nephy developing a spine pulled it back, but then casting her devotion as servitude pushed it back again. As Leann Rimes put it, “I belong to you, and you belong with me”; so, we’re still DearS-adjacent in relationship dynamics.

(white-haired elf mage is unrelated)

Nut Salad, episode 4

Our Homeless Knight And Her Cans appear only briefly, but as compensation, Our Magical Princess serves as wingman for Our Ethical Detective as we add two new non-loli babes to the cast, as well as an age-appropriate friend. Bully for her.

Verdict: we get a bit of Exposition Music leaking in from that other show, but it at least provides some useful backstory. This show continues to be fluffy and innoffensive.

(office ladies are vaguely relevant)

Oh! My Game Goddess!

I’ll pick two words to describe this show:

  1. bland
  2. exposition

It should be pretty easy for fan-artists to draw the girls, since their designs are straight out of a how-to-draw-manga book, and their ugly uniforms will be replaced by lingerie and tentacles anyway.

(Sonia probably has a few tentacle stories to tell…)

Dear Amazon,

You couldn’t even cremate me in these “4+ star styles”:

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