Molesting Magical Girls, fin

Today’s forecast: hot and sunny with scattered perversity. Naturally all of our girls end up at the beach together, and we get a lot of fun character interaction before it all goes south. Or should I say “down under”, because the indiscriminate naughty tentacles are in it to win it until they’re interrupted by the revealed power of Super Sentai Azure, whose true form is an ice maiden with a heart of oh-don’t-stop. Special bonus points for NeroAlice clearing the screen for the showdown.

On that note, now that she knows what a dedicated fangirl Utena is, do you think Azure will offer her a special five-finger discount on merch? And I don’t mean shoplifting. Just the fact that she shyly approached Utena while wearing that nosebleed-inducing bikini suggests they’ll become Very Good Friends in the future.

Verdict: if you grade a show on being true to its premise, this was easily in the top five this season. The characters are wonderfully developed (and I don’t just mean 14-going-on-Penthouse) and well used, and they never forgot to bring the funny.

(“please, sir, I want some more”)

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