As I mentioned earlier, I’ve been doing some simple load-testing of Jira instances using Gatling. Detailed sample code after the jump, because I couldn’t find anyone else’s and I’ve got decent pagerank.
There are three placeholder strings in the code below:
JIRA_USERNAME = mytestuser
JIRA_PASSWORD = reallygoodpassword
Pretty much every Gatling test starts out like this:
import java.util.concurrent.ThreadLocalRandom
import scala.concurrent.duration._
import io.gatling.core.Predef._
import io.gatling.http.Predef._
import io.gatling.jdbc.Predef._
class mytest extends Simulation {
val httpProtocol = http
// don't hit at start of every run
.acceptHeader("application/json, text/javascript, */*; q=0.01")
.acceptEncodingHeader("gzip, deflate")
.userAgentHeader("Mozilla/5.0 (Macintosh; Intel Mac OS X 10.15; rv:80.0) Gecko/20100101 Firefox/80.0")
val headers = Map(
"Accept" -> "text/html,application/xhtml+xml,application/xml;q=0.9,image/webp,*/*;q=0.8",
"Upgrade-Insecure-Requests" -> "1",
"Origin" -> "JIRA_BASEURL")
(note that we’re still in class mytest
Strictly speaking, there’s no need to visit the Dashboard URL and then wait 1-2 seconds before POSTing the login; I’m doing it for realism.
object Login {
val login = exec(http("Homepage")
.formParam("os_username", "JIRA_USERNAME")
.formParam("os_password", "JIRA_PASSWORD")
.formParam("os_destination", "")
.formParam("user_role", "")
.formParam("atl_token", "")
.formParam("login", "Log In"))
is a single-field file containing a list of
~3,000 issue IDs selected at random. Basically I just tinkered with
filters until I had a list that included stories, epics, bugs, and
tasks from a number of different projects, in a number of different
Since we’re using .random
for the iterator, it doesn’t matter how
many rows are in the file. Adding more just keeps us from frequently
hitting issues that are already cached.
val getIssue = tsv("issues.tsv").random
object Browser {
val browse = repeat(50, "n") {
.exec(http("Browse ${IssueId}")
Including the IssueID in the label argument to http()
makes the
resulting charts more useful. In my first run, one issue was very
slow to load, and it turned out to be a bug that complained about
ridiculously verbose log messages that included an example. That one
was sluggish on Production as well, even with no artificial load,
because Jira was struggling to do syntax highlighting and emoji
detection on it.
val browser1 = scenario("IssueBrowser1")
.exec(Login.login, Browser.browse)
contains a large set of JQL queries. Since I’m
loading it with .shuffle
to guarantee that all of my queries get run
exactly once, I need to set my repetition and scaling parameters
carefully, or the simulation will terminate when it runs out of data.
Label JQL
Simple1 text ~ "fribble" order by priority DESC,updated DESC
The reason I’m using TSV instead of the CSV parser is because JQL
queries can contain commas and double-quotes that I’d have to escape.
Note that Gatling automatically handles the URL encoding for %20, %22,
%2C, etc, but only in actual requests; attempting to use it as the
label argument to http()
breaks the log parser, producing empty
val getJQL = tsv("jql.tsv").shuffle
object Searcher {
val search = repeat(10, "n") {
.exec(http("Search ${Label}")
Reusing my Login object in a different scenario. One simple
enhancement to this script would be to make the Browser object repeat
only a few times, and then alternate between browsing and searching
several times; this is trivial to do by adding additional
comma-separated calls to the .exec()
val searcher1 = scenario("IssueSearcher1")
The most basic test is to run a single scenario once with a single user:
Once you know it works, you can replace that with something that ramps up from a single browsing session to N, and starts running searches somewhere in the middle:
browser1.inject(rampUsers(20) during (30 seconds)),
searcher1.inject(nothingFor(10 seconds), atOnceUsers(5))
Note the use of nothingFor()
so that the searches don’t start until
a fair number of browsers are already running.
And when you really want to load it up:
.eachLevelLasting(10 seconds)
(this scales up fast, and can easily overload your server if you don’t do the math; the total number of planned sessions will be printed at the start of the run, so you can quickly Control-C out of it)
Note that each method can be referenced only once in .inject()
, so
if you wanted to run additional copies of the exact same test with
different scaling parameters, you’d need to create a “browser2”
object, etc.
There are a lot of things that could be added. You could parse the retrieved page to run checks and populate variables to be used in subsequent requests. You could add more complex actions using the REST interface and files containing JSON data.
But at least now you have a complete working example to start from.
When you run Gatling, it will compile every test it finds in any
directory under user-files/simulations/
, so nuke anything you’re
not actively using, or store your tests and resource files
somewhere else and point to them with the -sf
and -rsf
options, respectively.
Restart your browser before trying to view the results of a large test run; all the graphs are generated with Javascript, so you might end up load-testing Chrome.
You can test the REST interface for Jira as well, which is easier for constructing tests that inject data, but I wanted something read-only that could freely be run against any instance, even Production, without making any changes.
If you want to merge the output of multiple runs (for instance,
manually testing each node in a cluster, testing from multiple
hosts simultaneously, etc), you can run the simulations with
, then collect all the simulation.log
files in one
directory and generate the reports with -ro $logdir
There’s a Git plugin for Gatling, if you want to thrash your repos or test your CI environment.
Markdown formatting and simple HTML accepted.
Sometimes you have to double-click to enter text in the form (interaction between Isso and Bootstrap?). Tab is more reliable.