Date: December 13, 2007 11:27:36 AM PST
Stay 2 nights and get the 3rd night free on selected dates in November and December!
Offer must be booked by January 3, 2007.
I rebuilt two Shuttles yesterday, and got this charming message when I ejected the driver CD.
Usually when you buy a luxury item for half the usual price, there’s a good chance it’s a knockoff or a scam. So, when someone starts selling large quantities of $3,000 poodles for half price, what are you really getting?
In Japan, you get sheep.
The sad thing is that thousands of buyers were fleeced before a celebrity brought her new dog on TV and wondered why it didn’t bark or eat dog food.
[update: hoax/joke/tabloid nonsense]
So there’s a new player in the Mac backup business, Decimus. Their product is called Synk Backup.
So when your synk backs up, your office is decimused. No doubt they’ve outsourced their tech support to Plumbr.
This morning I found myself with the urge to search for two of the best stories about the early days of WebTV. Everyone involved has long since moved on to greener pastures, so I was sure at least one person would have spilled the beans.
No. Google searches for both “webtv reindeer games” and “webtv launch day fuck” return nothing relevant. Perhaps it’s time for Rory to update his blog with a tale of The Good Old Days.
Not the most significant, but certainly one of the most amusing major-media corrections for 2006, courtesy of The New York Times:
"Because of an editing error, a recipe last Wednesday for meatballs with an article about foods to serve during the Super Bowl misstated the amount of chipotle chilies in adobo to be used. It is one or two canned chilies, not one or two cans. Click here for the correct recipe."
I think my friends would be willing to try it as written…
Just lean back and inhale the fumes:
"What does Firefox have to do with social justice? How will the one laptop per child project discourage genocide? How soon will Microsoft collapse? Watch Eben Moglen's inspiring keynote from the 2006 Plone Conference.
'If we know that what we are trying to accomplish is the spread of justice and social equality through the universalization of access to knowledge; If we know that what we are trying to do is build an economy of sharing which will rival the economies of ownership at every point where they directly compete; If we know that we are doing this as an alternative to coercive redistribution, that we have a third way in our hands for dealing with long and deep problems of human injustice; If we are conscious of what we have and know what we are trying to accomplish, when this is the moment for the first time in lifetimes, we can get it done.'"
Spotted this at Border’s today. I like products that match their descriptions…
The name is effective, though. When I pointed it out to Jeff so he could laugh at it too, the woman in line behind him asked to see it, and ended up buying one.
It’s probably nice, but I think the Zelco Lumifier is better for carrying around. It’s my furigana tool.