
Practice Safe Soldering

Not Safe For Lab

Turns out deleted tweets can still reproduce…

Um, what?

I suspect a bit of translation error in Gloredo’s blurb: “We use simple tools, mostly medieval hand tools such as a small band saw, files in various specifications, and sand papers from 200 through 2000 grits”.

100% Ninja, 100% cotton

T-shirt Ninja

Explaining the "male gaze"...

It's hard to talk to girls...

This may be the most profound statement ever made on social media.

The best thing to come from the gay-marriage decision...

…is the following typo in a discussion about the likely next step, legalized polygamy: “polyarmory”.

I hereby demand nationwide legal recognition for my polyarmorous relationship. In public. Open or concealed.

Social Constructs...

I’ve decided to come out, and demand praise for my courage:

I'm transdeity; bow down, motherfuckers.

I used to identify as a teenage girl from rural China, but that’s so last week.


"He smacks my chest and says something unintelligible with growing urgency. If I don’t act, he cries a practiced cry of total betrayal, before which I am powerless. He tries to lift up or pull down my shirt, depending. I tug it down, maybe. He screams. I relent, pull out a boob, he lunges toward me with his mouth open wide. He latches onto me and then starts flinging his body from side to side on my lap, doing the dance of the satisfied. He stands up on me with my boob still in his mouth. He claws at my cleavage, pinches my other nipple with his tiny fingernails if I don’t keep it hidden. If I do, he tries to get at it, too, yanking at my shirt and my bra. He likes to pop back and forth between them, to collapse and fling and laugh and grab at my stomach. "

    --- Does my baby only like me for my boobs?

[Update: that article title keeps trying to turn into a song in my head…]

Dog food

(via (generally NSFW))

“Need a clue, take a clue,
 got a clue, leave a clue”