
Was that wrong? Should I not have done that?

Cat versus shoji


Death From Above, Feline Edition

Stealth kitty


I wonder what they sell here...

Shoes? Auto parts? Knitting supplies? I can’t figure out what sort of product this shop might be selling…



It's always Monday somewhere...

Conveniently labeled

I presume the back of her skirt has a giant “A” on it…

Alice Hirose, Kamen Rider


Foreigners! Don't be tricked!

Hey, at least it’s not a tattoo.

Cold Tofu

It reads 冷奴, hiyayakko, which means “cold tofu”.


Graffiti X

If this was done with a dry-erase marker, I approve completely. If it was done with a Sharpie, I’m willing to look the other way while the janitor beats the crap out of the perpetrator.

Fark Curry Database had an amusing April Fool’s day page. Only one I’ve seen worth noting so far.

Fark Curry Database

“Need a clue, take a clue,
 got a clue, leave a clue”