Rather than hunting through my archives for vaguely-relevant cheesecake, I took advantage of the new trend for creating LoRAs instead of 3D skins or actual fan-art.
Did we really need to get so in-your-face with Hard Gay And His Cut-Rate Chippendale’s Revue? It is the exact opposite of what this show is pitching to the audience.
Anyway, Our Catsexual Harem buys a house that should be way out of their price range, but is cheap because it has a giant harem-sized bath that nobody else wanted, complete with jacuzzi function. Right, that’s exactly how property values work, but since it leads to more nipplicious nudity, we’ll just run with it.
Our Two Faeries not only reveal that they’re capable in battle (but seriously, wash the pixie afterwards), but they ever-so-casually increase the property value by several orders of magnitude by magically landscaping the yard to add a super-duper magic tree and an uber-potion magic pond. I’m sure those will come in handy about as quickly as that truth potion did, meaning “next week”.
Meanwhile, hints about Our Braless Cat-Blacksmith-nya’s secrets are delivered with the subtlety of her giant hammer. Plus equally-subtle hints about how intimately detailed her catsexual dreams have become.
The adventure portion of the episode is pretty trivial, and can be summed up with “hey we all make a great team”, but it loosely ties in with the larger story arc introduced at the end, where Monsters Are Stirring, and Our Boobalicious Heroine’s Even More Boobalicious Idol delivers a mildly ominous line.
Verdict: this show is driven entirely by coincidence and catsexuality, combining to summon bath scenes.
(I tried to combine the Myaley and Vulcan LoRAs for a catgirl party, but they did not play nicely together, so I used the full-cast Behemoth LoRA (NSFW sample images) instead; getting two gals into the picture was easy, but keeping their characteristics from crossing over was not. I got a lot of pics where one or both had elf and cat ears, as well as many where Vulcan was the busty one, Aria was tan, their faces were blended together, etc, etc)
This week’s special is… reaction shots! Our Solo Hero comes out of the closet as an S-rank hunter for the sole purpose of finally being able to buy and sell high-end loot at the auction house, but first we get quick shots of everyone’s reaction to the news. Including all the women who like him, but who for some reason don’t show up at his home to cover his bed in squee juice and torn lingerie. In fact, the only person who does show up is Our Newly Homeless Sidekick (who’d make a cute couple with Our Hot Little Sister, although he’d better ask nicely due to her new protectors).
They kept the shopping trip brief in order to get Jinwoo back to his secret dungeon, and on the eightieth floor we get our first look at an armored demon knight smart enough and tough enough to repeatedly wipe out most of his shadow soldiers. Next week they fight, and you know what that means, right?
Verdict: finally.
(I’ve already used all the half-decent fan-art of Esil, so it’s LoRA time! I won’t even add tentacles… this time. This is the same LoRA I used earlier that is fragile about facial details, and with some models turns into nightmare fuel)
Dude, could you wife your Legal Loli any harder?
But first, let’s talk about Our Harem Party’s first-floor adventure. We don’t get any sort of training montage with Our Tasty Half-Clad Catgirl, but she fits right into the party as if Our Mighty Guild Elf picked her out specifically for compatibility, which of course she did. Unlike the rest of the gang, we get to see her before she falls head-over-heels for Our Hero, but I’m sure that won’t take long. And of course she’ll be moving in.
On their way back to the surface, they run into The Bozo Party, which has added two new spear-carriers to their ever-growing attitude problem, but in addition to Our Little Blonde Titty-Witch continuing to show growth and remorse, we finally see Their Dickhead Leader get called on his bullshit. Y’see, he forgot the first lesson of bullying: never shit-talk when you’re on camera. The second rule would be never double down when your boss is chewing you out for it. Seriously, is Simon just out of his tiny little mind? This has gone way beyond obsessing over his failures since Yuke left the party, and it actively reduces the show’s quality.
He’s not out of the story yet, unfortunately, because he meets up with That Fat Leering Bastard, and they begin plotting revenge.
Verdict: please rescue the titty-witch and drop the rest of the Bozos in an inferno, the sooner the better.
(yeah, no good fan-art, so back to the cast LoRA, and since Rain unlocked a major achievement this week, she’s in the picture; really had a problem with extra fingers, though)
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