Dragon Drop

First snow

Not enough to do more than look pretty and make the roads a bit slippery, but, y’know, seasonal. All gone by this afternoon, until the next one.

Loner Harem, episode 9

Still teasing The Big Reveal, dividing time between a quick uber-boss fight, some very quick regular boss fights, Our Classmates struggling to handle a mid-range boss fight, and Our Local Noble Gal rounding up a posse to deal with a major monster breakout.

Verdict: at least we’re now getting a peek at Our Loner’s New Partner, with an eye to confirming her mammalian ancestry.

Stop Dragon My Heart Around, episode 8

It’s the night before the big battle, and Our Sleepless Heroes gather under a blanket to… stare out at the elf village. Fully dressed. With plenty of space between them. Dragon Boy isn’t even in the middle.

Verdict: they tried a little too hard to cover up the lack of animation with loud mood music, but it doesn’t matter. The story is boring because Dragon Boy can whip out any power the plot requires, and the promised cheesecake is barely a tease. It sends signals that it’s a harem comedy with a serious story, but it’s not delivering enough on any front, and frequently ends up whiplashing the tone. I’ve given this show more than enough rope to hang itself, and I’m out.

Cosplay Harem, episode 21

Finally, Daddy’s Big Scene, with plenty of screen time for Gal Gal’s Hot Mom. 20 minutes of self-pity and catharsis is a bit much, but the only thing they didn’t wrap up is how the crowd responded to Aria’s costume change.

Verdict: in another genre, Daddy’s Next Manga would include mother-daughter threesomes. I figure the fan-artists will cover that soon, now that we’ve seen Mom’s hotness going all the way back to her gal schoolgirl days.

(speaking of threesomes, hopefully the rest of the season will be spent jockeying for pole position)

Magical Working Girls, episode 8

…and here we are at Tokyo Big Sight again, with plenty of cosplayers magical girls on display. Hmmm, can we get Our Hot Teacher to cross over and show off her mouthwatering succubus magic? It’s a respectable job, after all.

Anyway, it’s Our Spunky Magical Gals versus the worst possible enemy: A Failed Trade Show Demo. And Our Socially Awkward Engineer faces his biggest challenge yet: An Overheating Laptop.

Verdict: no, seriously, but it’s all good. Bonus cute little magical nurse.

GGO2, episode 8

Well, that arc’s over. And we got an attempt at fan-service that was as half-assed as half of the final battle, where “charging toward the enemy” was just “zooming the character art while leaving the background alone”. Also, wrong fan-service girl; sorry, Real-Life Pito.

Verdict: they never really gave the audience a reason to care about this story. And it looks like they’re headed into another one without a break.

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