Anime catchup

Now, let’s see, what was I watching before I left for Belfast?

Red Cat Ramen, fin

Human-chan has found her place in the world.

Verdict: this show receives the Most Reliable Warm Fuzzies Award.

(picture is sadly unrelated)

Cosplay Harem, episode 12 & 13

12: Surprisingly Watchable Exposition

Our Cosplay Couple becomes an official club, as long as they keep everything PG. So much for the hentai doujin collection and the light bondage photoshoot from a few weeks back. Our Sympathetic Principal’s monologue was actually well-done, although I found myself picturing him wearing a KISS costume. We do not get to see Our Hot Teacher stripping down to teach Our Cuddly Heroine how to properly measure her curves, but Our Lovestruck Tsuntail does, and even in the face of massive competition, she’s determined to convince her management to let her join the fun so she can Win His Heart.

Meanwhile, Our Student Council President has just taken the Number Two Best Girl slot.

(file under peculiar that he actually threw out the porn, and didn’t try to take it home)

13: Enter The Autist

I think I just watched a compilation video of Every Komi-san Freak-Out Moment, as Our New Rising Star spends the entire episode failing to communicate. Cute little thing, though she could use a sammich or two to cover up those bones with healthy body-fat. Our Hot Teacher cements her position as Number One Best Girl.

(new OP/ED, so we’re officially into the second cour)

Dungeon People, episodes 11 & 12

11: Cosplay Or Death!

Our Dungeon Mistress finds another excuse to dress up Our Miss Clay: executing player-killers. So this is a slice-of-life episode in two ways.

fin: “But what do they eat?”

I’ll miss this show, too. Warm and fuzzy with a side of murder. Our Miss Clay hasn’t caught up with her father yet, but she’s got a friend.

Pom-Pom Girls, episodes 11 & 12

I decided to finish this one, despite the way it’s been circling the drain with the sudden focus on a completely different set of girls. TL/DR: cheap melodrama, complete with over-the-top musical cues, and then it just stopped.

Verdict: this show just fell apart, and poor direction and series composition are to blame. The last three episodes were about someone who was only briefly visible in the background of The Big Accident that they built Our Traumatized Genki Gal’s story around, leading people to initially think that Wheels was the one injured. Nope, totally different ponytail girl.

And then Our Parkour Gal spontaneously announces, “it’s been fun, but I’m leaving town to join an idol group, bye”.

Spice Wolf, episodes 15-25

I think I’ll catch up on this next season; based on the previews, I won’t even give most of the new shows a chance to disappoint me.

Loner Harem, episode 1

Speaking of next season, it’s here. This week is all setup, as it’s established that Our Hero is someone who’d rather sit alone and read books than interact with any of his classmates, and who tried to avoid being pulled into another world with them. When it happens anyway, all the super-cheat skills have been taken, and he gets all of the leftovers. Which he quickly learns to combine and use to build a comfortable life.

At this point, you might think that he’s a well-adjusted loner. If they’re working from the light novels, though, he will swiftly be revealed as a complete wackjob with no filter between his brain and mouth, and no interest in or ability to remember anyone’s name. And, yes, a sexy, eager girlfriend.

So he’s basically the perfect self-insert for the target audience.


  • GGO 2 - next Friday
  • Shangri-La Frontier 2 - October 13th? Ack!

Jibun Techō weekly page

Just for fun, I went through a bunch of fonts to find consistently-light symbols that would work for the weekly page design, and made a working version of it, leaving out the phase-of-moon and sunrise/sunset markup. I ended up using Google’s free Material Symbols Outlined Light font.

Note that Google buries the links to download the actual fonts. I assure you, they do exist as standard TTF font files in addition to the still-not-widely-compatible all-in-one variable OTF font.

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