Acts Of Tourism

“Back on the bus, y’all”

I have returned from Belfast. It was deeply weird sitting in an office surrounded by people for the first time since March, 2020. Good people, fortunately, although I had to keep my mouth shut at the occasional Irish-splaining of American politics. Fortunately Israel changed the subject quite spectacularly last week.

It’s easier to go to Japan

  • Saturday, 3 PM UTC-4: arrive at Dayton airport.
  • Saturday, 3:30 PM UTC-4: only United employee in the place opens counter.
  • Saturday, 6 PM UTC-4: board flight to Chicago.
  • Saturday, 6:45 PM UTC-5: land in Chicago.
  • Saturday, 9:30 PM UTC-5: board flight to Dublin.
  • Sunday, 10:45 AM UTC+1: land in Dublin, stay on plane.
  • Sunday, 11:15 AM UTC+1: power restored at Dublin airport, plane directed to new gate.
  • Sunday, 12:00 PM UTC+1: pass through Immigration/Customs.
  • Sunday, 12:20 PM UTC+1: board bus to Belfast.
  • Sunday, 2:20 PM UTC+1: arrive in Belfast, google-walk to hotel.
  • Sunday, 2:30 PM UTC+1: check in at hotel.
  • Sunday, 6:15 PM UTC+1: dinner with boss’s boss’s boss.
  • Sunday, 9:30 PM UTC+1: brain and body switch off.

(the fresh batch of Maiko Mouths my sister sent after her recent business trip to Japan were a hit at the office)

Everything’s closed

I knew that retailers generally close earlier in Ireland than they do in the US, but I didn’t expect pretty much everything but bars and dinner restaurants to lock up by 6 PM every night but Thursday. It’s a good thing I added some vacation days at the end of the trip, or I wouldn’t have been able to buy gifts for family, much less anything for myself, since I was in the office 9-5 all week.

Admittedly I hedged my bets by getting the free trial of Prime and ordering a bunch of stuff on Amazon UK. Oddly, several of the things I put in my cart wouldn’t ship to Northern Ireland at all, but I could pay through the nose and have them sent to the US, which would kind of defeat the purpose.

(file under annoying that the WH Smith that swore on their web site that they were open until 9 PM is inside of a small strip mall attached to a bus station that just shut down for good, and now closes at 5 PM)

(amusing note: when I asked a security guy where it was located (because Google sent me around in circles), he was really curious why everyone he runs into seems so interested in going to a WH Smith, like it’s special; I couldn’t help, because my answer was “it was on the way back from my office to my hotel”)

DP Considered Absent

Until I went into Boots (pharmacy), I was convinced that there was no Diet Pepsi in Belfast. The sugared varieties were widely available, but for non, Diet Coke and Coke Zero were what was widely stocked. There was a very-subtly-labeled non-sugar Pepsi MAX in some stores, but it doesn’t taste like DP, which I’ve reluctantly gotten used to over the years.

I can drink Coke Zero, but I don’t like it much unless it’s been dosed with Splenda. (liquid; the sweetener packets have a Mentos effect)

Cookies Considered Cooked

European Internet is not my friend; it’s just too damn annoying with all those “privacy” popups demanding that I either accept all cookies or spend three minutes de-selecting “legitimate interest” checkboxes and dodging deceptive buttons.

Spoiler alert: hey, tracker-boy, your fucking cookies will get auto-deleted anyway when I close the window, so it does you no good to get cute and try to hide the “no, I don’t want to blow hobos in an alley” option behind a wall of text. Also, 99% of your ads are being blocked by Pihole anyway, so fuck y’all.

Sadly, actually preserving my privacy exposes me to 10 times as many protect-your-privacy popups. Sigh.

(and how exactly does visiting a store’s site to find their (incorrect) hours create a “legitimate interest” for 518 third parties across a dozen categories?)

(note that blocking ads with a Docker-based Pihole on a Mac now requires manually disabling the kernelForUDP flag in Docker’s settings.json to stop it from screwing up the ability to bind to port 53)

Pastries Considered Decent

Two of my co-workers took me out for a walk around the neighborhood. Y’know, the one where the recent riots kept them away from the office for two weeks. On the way back, we stopped in at a local bakery where Paul was determined to buy me a proper Northern Irish pastry. He chose the Flies’ Graveyard, which wasn’t as sweet as I expected, being basically a currant jam pastry sandwich sprinkled with sugar.

(I’m sure all the walking was good for me, but my left knee was happy when it stopped; even with an aisle seat on the way out and no one next to me on the way back, flying coach forced me into uncomfortable positions)

(I amused myself by thinking of how I’d feed them proper native food in Ohio, which basically comes down to Wendy’s Frosties and Cassano’s pizza; I don’t count Skyline Chili as proper Ohio food, since I’d never heard of it until college)

(it would be amusing to feed them London Bobby Fish & Chips, but that brand’s been basically defunct for decades, and is only available at a few Cassano’s locations)

Dear Harris Campaign Aides,

If Kamala asks you to carry her pager, just say no.

March Of The Useful Idiots

The jew-haters were out in force Saturday, proudly marching down the streets of Belfast carrying professionally-printed signs and custom-made Palistinian-solidarity flags, banging on drums, and shouting slogans comparing Israel’s “occupation and genocide” to historical English oppression of the Irish.

Y’know, morons.

Gift shopping

Since I extended the trip over the weekend, I was able to hit a craft market for presents: St. George’s Market (small, but I met some nice local crafters). I also stopped in at Carrolls Irish Gifts on Thursday, because Thursday. I made one final stop at Carrolls on Monday, to pad out the small gaps in my suitcases, mostly with good wool socks.

Tourist-y things

I reluctantly bought a ticket for a small full-day group tour to Giant’s Causeway, with an assortment of other sites thrown in. I’d have preferred to just go there on my own, but my schedule was tight, and this was the best thing I found that didn’t involve hiring a driver for several hundred Pounds.

I have zero interest in Game of Thrones filming locations, negative interest in anything related to the Titanic (ship or movie), and complete indifference to The Troubles, so this was pretty much my only “tourist” activity.

The coastal drive was quite scenic, which was a significant improvement over the path the Aircoach takes to and from Dublin; you could basically only see the trees lining the highway.

How was it? Giant’s Causeway itself was a lovely rocky coastline with a brisk wind. Fortunately we had un-Irish weather the entire week, so it was sunny and warm enough for a light jacket.

The Dark Hedges did nothing for me (“um, a row of trees?”), the Bushmill Distillery was just for shopping, and the other minor stops are blurred together in my memory.


Bushmills Village had a bunch of signs on the streets featuring an assortment of largely American celebrities. Our bus was just driving through, so I couldn’t read the fine print, but Neil Armstrong was one, which didn’t surprise me since I was vaguely aware he had Irish roots. But The Beverly Hillbillies? I’m guessing they were supposed to be descended from Scots-Irish Planters, but I don’t know if that was ever stated in the show or just assumed.

Note to self:

Next time I order British currency, don’t let them give me so many £50 notes; most of the places that’ll take them, I’m spending enough to use a card anyway. I want an even mix of £5, £10, and £20 notes, and a decent amount of £1 and £2 coins; a few £50 notes only if there are new craft markets to visit.

Ten Square

The company put me up at Ten Square Hotel, which was a nice place with only one real flaw: live music on weekends, which I could hear from my third fourth-floor room until at least midnight.

Not well enough to enjoy it, even if it had been pleasant, just enough to annoy me with thumping bass coming up through the walls and vibrating the headboard.

(my room was of course nothing like the suites in their gallery; pretty standard, really, with nothing noteworthy about it)

Fall anime

(which should start premiering around the time I catch up on the last few shows I was watching this season…)

  • Shangri-La Frontier 2: Choco! Bunny! Good Good!
  • GGO 2: The return of LLENN.
  • Loner Life In Another World: the “loner” quickly gets surrounded by hot chicks, and eventually ends up banging two gorgeous gals every night in increasingly depraved ways while occasionally molesting the other hot chicks with his magical tentacles. Downside: he’s somewhere between incomprehensible and batshit crazy. Screenshot material, basically.


As I was coming out of HellCat Maggie’s Sunday afternoon into the first rain I’d seen since arriving in Belfast, I found two college-age men waiting for it to stop. They were friendly, first joking around with an older gentleman who was heading in, then chatting with me. Their primary interest: was cannabis legal where I lived in the States?

(for family reasons, I could not possibly ignore a diner named Maggie’s; TL/DR: decent pie and champ, slightly undercooked chips)

(best chips I had? The Nook at Giant’s Causeway; pity I didn’t have time for a full meal, since the driver highly recommended the place)

Dear xTwitter,

Please stop making me manually choose to sort replies by “latest” every fucking time I click on a tweet. Your opinion of what’s relevant is not interesting to me.

Also, what’s up with scrolling back to the top of the thread every time I mute an ad?

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