Kits, cats, sacks, and wives...

Red Cat Ramen, episode 3

Nice and mellow. Human-chan shows off her graphic-design skills, proving that she’s not just a pretty face. A well-known chef enjoys his meal, proving that Our Red Cat isn’t just a purrty face. And then Human-chan does something nice for Our Dishwasher Repairman, proving that he is a pretty face.

Verdict: first actual laugh-out-loud moment this week.

(they did briefly put Human-chan into a maid outfit last week, but mostly she’s wears sweats in the back room and her dish-ninja stagehand costume up front)

Cosplay Haremettes, episode 3

Our Manic Pixie Cosplay Girl is so excited to have a partner that she creates two new matching costumes overnight. In fairness, they have approximately a handkerchief’s worth of fabric between them, which is good for us (as is the changing scene), but bad for Our Potato-kun’s blood flow, as his determination to stay true to his 2D waifu is tested by a pair of mostly-naked hotties touching each other. Naturally their costumes get tangled together and he has to pop their tops to get them loose, nosebleeding him half to death.

Verdict: well-drawn cheesecake, unlikely to be fully upgraded for Bluray. Presence of $POTATO still the main drawback.

(their tops provided slightly more coverage than this, until they came off, but the rest is about right)

Furry Earth, episodes 1-2

I mentioned in the comments that I watched the first episode based on Mauser’s recommendation, and found the girl’s application to join the Dirty Pair worthy of interest. The thing that jarred me out of the story was the too-familiar voice of Cat Daddy, who’s been getting a lot of work recently, most visibly to me as Belgreive the Red Ogre. Our Fearless Furless Heroine was recently the nimble tsuntail in Kaiju 8, but that didn’t hit me the same way. It was just hearing him in the adoptive-father role again so soon that did it.

As for episode 2, I’m glad they made it clear that her giant sword is magically self-sheathing, so we don’t have to worry about her getting sliced to ribbons while cuddling it at night. Pity the bath scene was completely without service, although it at least establishes that she’s not flustered by discovering a male in her tub.

Verdict: Apparently the source non-light novels were released over 20 years ago, which explains why the show’s not saturated with trendy manga, game, or light-novel tropes. This also means that I have no idea where it might end up, or what stops it will make along the way. Refreshing, that.

(Fran can relate to the struggles of a swordsgal in a racist world)

Dungeon People, episode 3

Girls just want to have fun. For Our Dungeon Boss Belle, that means hanging out with Our New Hire Clay. For Clay, it means getting in some training, this time as a monster fighting adventurers. For us, it means learning that this won’t be her first time.

Verdict: cute and relaxing. Just the thing for a day when half the Enterprise Windows boxes in the world went down. I gather that some employees at my current place have IT-controlled Windows laptops that were impacted, but they sent me a Mac, so I was fine, and it didn’t affect our VPN or LDAP servers at all.

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