Shy, failure, random, and idiots

Shy 2, episode 3

Our Hot Ninja Princess exposits on the story arc while Her Annoying Ninja Boyfriend insists on dragging her home, before just giving up and hanging around. Maybe he wanted to peep on her shower scene, which was protected from the viewers by the power of Buy The Bluray. Whose shower? Oh, she’s spending the night with Our Shy Hero Shy, which makes Our Best Girlfriend so jealous that she shows up to make it a threesome. Well, Uno-playing sleepover, anyway, although Princess did invite Teru to join her in the shower…

By the way, Princess is a manipulative little minx, coaxing Teru into holding her unsheathed sword before mentioning that it will reveal all her secrets. Including her secret identity. Which is good, because the plot depends on her contacting one of the heroes.

Verdict: contrived, but 90% of the episode is cute girls hanging out together and developing their characters. It’s only at the end that Dark Sword Princess and Dipshit Monologing Head Villain ruin the fun.

(she has Teru hold the sword by the blade, and doesn’t even wipe off the sweaty handprints after; I didn’t know this was going to be a horror series 😁)

Isekai Fail, episodes 1-2

The only thing I liked about this was the nameless busty catgirl. The joke about dragging him around in a coffin wore out really fast; someone needs to introduce these gals to the concept of the wheel.

(I kinda wonder how his real-life grandchildren feel about how he’s being portrayed, but not enough to look)

Hardware true random number generators

Years ago, my long-standing interest in promoting entropy led me down the path of little USB dongles that exploit an assortment of physical processes to generate high-quality real random numbers on demand (because I don’t have room for the Lava Lamps).

The first one I bought to play with is still available, but quite slow, delivering data at 400 Kbits/sec: TrueRNG3. It’s also the easiest to use on any platform, since it mounts as a USB serial port and you can use anything to read bytes from the device.

The ChaosKey delivers at ~5 Mbit/sec, and integrates into /dev/random on Linux and OpenBSD, but if you want to access it directly, you’ll need to build their tools. Problem: it’s no longer being produced. Other problem: the tools are pretty crude; you may need to use sudo, and you should always use --cooked to get quality output (ent reports that the default --raw output is 21% compressible, which is not good).

The best current production devices appear to be from TectroLabs, and are available on Amazon. Their cheapest product, the SwiftRNG LE, promises to deliver quality random bytes at 29 Mbits/sec, and their tools are more sophisticated and better-documented than the abandoned ChaosKey code. Their API code compiles on Windows, Mac, and Linux, and you can set up the Linux device driver to poll multiple units.

The files still generated daily by are fun to play with, by the way, but you need to actually store them somewhere. The disk space isn’t a big deal any more, but any code that uses them directly has to ensure you never replay an old file.

Dear Gruber,

Stick to giving Apple execs rimjobs. Gun control is waaaay outside your core incompetency, and your severe TDS showcases your allegiance to the core Leftist values of hatred, intolerance, and bigotry. (no link)

Is this really new?

As the damning facts pile up about the Secret Service’s multiple kinds of failures that made it possible for a 20-year-old slacker to come within a literal inch of murdering Trump, I’m left wondering if they’ve been that incompetent for a long time, and as with other federal agencies, we’re only finding out about it now that it’s too big to completely cover up.

I can only hope that Trump’s first day back in office is a blizzard of executive orders, wholesale firings, and release of classified documents.

Unicorn Chaser

The Pom-Pom girls have a quite appealing OP animation (even with a little bit of gainaxing), although I think Girls Generation did it better…

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