Summer season begins...

[The Tenka Seiha season rundown is out; it’s not late, half the shows premiered early…]

Robo-Waifu, episode 1

The good news is that they skip straight to the premise, with Our Lonesome Loser having already adapted to the presence of Our Kitchen Appliance, and jokingly commenting that she’d make a great wife. The better news is that when she deviates from programmed behavior in a way that convinces him she’s taken him up on the offer, it does not devolve into complete cringe. It would be, if in the light of day it had turned out that he’d imagined the whole thing and was clearly losing it from loneliness, but her behavior continues to change in more obvious ways that are not covered in her manual.

Verdict: this could go either way, heartwarming or suck. But at least she’s drawn in a way that discourages it from turning into straight-up robo-porn. The trouble with Chobits was that Chii and the other persocoms were so realistic that they could fuck, turning the story into a half-baked allegory about pure love; Mina’s obviously artificial body (with non-sexy attachments) doesn’t even speak through the mouth. Also, he bought her used, so keep dodging that bullet…

(Nobody does robo-waifus like Sukabu; also witch-waifus, engineer-waifus, …)

I Eat Kaiju, fin

In the end, it comes down to the power of heart. And a hot childhood friend. To no great surprise, Our Cored Hero wins in the battle against his other self, and is allowed to live to fight another day. Which will be soon, because we close with Naughty Number Nine abusing his Roomba and monologing about his next goal.

PS: everyone wants to get stronger. Junior to protect him, Tsuntail to stop him if he loses it.

Verdict: well-done, even if the team is still filled with people I don’t care about. And it did well enough to continue. Eventually.

I will not be watching this…

“What the world really needs right now is a new Ranma 1/2 series”. And yes, there are people in the various forums looking forward to claiming it as “trans representation”, sigh. Yeah, if you think Ranma is trans, you’re definitely a few springs short of Jusenkyo.

Shame I’m not in Japan…

Okay, that’s usually the case, but the frequent promotions for Molesting Magical Girls bode well for the future.

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