Plot Thickening

Train, Train, Go Away!, episode 9

This week, Our Royal MacGuffin Gal finally gets some screen time, and we learn that all is not well in Ikebukuro, and while she’s not evil, she is easily influenced. Meanwhile, Our Tiny Hot Doctor manages to get more information out of Our Wibbly-Wobbly Conductor, and it seems everyone’s living on borrowed time. As for Our Map-Making Swan Boat Expositeer, who knows what’s up with him.

Verdict: Reimi’s confident self-description reinforces her resemblance to Astra’s Quitterie. In a good way. Just a few more years…

(right there with you, dog…)

Level 2 Cheat Boy, episode 8

I wish to compliment Our Knight Gal for her taste in nightmare wedding dresses. The other highlights were the return of Our Demonic Catgirl, and the introduction of Our Masochistic Succubus And Her Impatient Master. Bonus points for giving her red under-rim glasses. Oh, and Our Idiot Former Hero And His Fan-Service Object escape with a magic item that will shape their future.

And Our Spunky Princess finally made the rare-gold-coin connection and realized exactly who Our Infinite Hero is and how badly her kingdom treated him. Not to worry, though; they’ll patch things up to the point that eventually she ends up banging Flio and Rys’ son. (wolf-kin mature quickly)

Verdict: believe it or not, there’s major plot-work on the way.

(not quite a demonic catgirl, but second-stage Leoparde will do in a pinch)

Wolf At The Door, episode 9

Sometimes investments don’t work out, something Our Clever Merchant just learned the hard way. Now there are two disappointed girls running around, and he has two days to fix everything.

(“Dear Lawrence, never snap at a woman who bites”)

Everything wrong with America’s Test Kitchen in one sentence

“To rework taco salad to be more nutritious but still hearty, we replaced the beef with quinoa.”

Once upon a time, Cook’s Illustrated was focused on perfecting recipes. Now they’re just fucking with you. And selling dozens of mildly-varying copy-pasta cookbooks. Many of the product reviews are still useful, but even those show clear signs of “marketing interference”.

Also, their app (which is easier to use than their cookbooks) is shoddy as hell, frequently failing to connect to their back-end auth server, and requiring a force-close to refresh content. Come on, it’s not like it’s much more than a wrapper around a webview.

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