
Tearmoon, episode 10

In which rabble are roused, cliffs are hung, and history doesn’t quite repeat itself but definitely rhymes. Our Wandering Princess manages to get herself delivered right to the spot where she can accidentally do the most good, while Our Undercover Angel is rescued from a fate worse than death by Our Maturing Love Interest, just in time for her to pigeon off both truth and lies.

Verdict: with two more episodes left, this smells like we’re in for a rushed wrapup.

Rerun’s Special Magic, episode 10

Wait, Our Gay Bunnyboy has started wearing thigh-highs now? Seriously? And Our Shaggy-Browed Valkyrie went out in public without them? Meanwhile, I’m not surprised that Our Domesticated Tsuntail has terrible fashion sense that restrains her Gainaxing, just disappointed. Add in air-hockey bonding, workout bonding, classroom bonding, and an out-of-the-blue reveal of Things Our Rewound Hero Should Definitely Not Know, and we’re setting up big plot events with two episodes to go.

Verdict: with no hope for fan-service or Her, I’m down to morbid curiousity about how they wrap this up in two more episodes.

(wrapping-up technique is definitely unrelated; they’d probably put Bunnyboy under Desir’s tree, or more likely the other way around)

The Apothecary Diaries, episode 10

Gyokuyou continues to delight, catching Jinshi in the act as he tries to renegotiate his relationship with Maomao. It looks like it’s reached the point that poor Gaoshun has more respect for Maomao than for his master these days. Speaking of which, for all her talk about their relative statuses, she didn’t hesitate to smack his hand away when he grabbed her.

Verdict: unlike the other two shows, when the plot thickens in this one, we can relax and let it develop over the next season. Bonus for Maomao seriously considering kneeing Jinshi in the balls, before remembering he doesn’t have any. Pretty sure she’d have gotten a big shock if she’d tried it, though.

(I lol’d when she discovered her dad was a “former eunuch”; I knew what she meant, but…)

LLMs get the best drugs

Hallucinogenerators, you might say…

write an anime-themed parody of the song My Favorite Things

[I think I like mine better…]

from the Sound of Music
“My Favorite Things” is a classic song from the Sound of Music, but I’ve taken the liberty of rewriting it with an anime theme. Enjoy!

My favorite things are old anime shows,
With characters who are strong and full of joe.
I love their spiky hair and their fighting skills,
And how they always save the day with their thrills.

Do, a kawaii character with a big smile,
And his trusty sidekick, a cute little robot guy.
They’re always on the go, saving the world from doom,
With their banter and their bonds, they’re really quite the boom.

Tenor, a shonen hero with a fierce grin,
And his sidekick, a girl with a mysterious past within.
Together they fight against the bad guys, with skill and might,
And save the day, with their friendship in sight.

Maria, a sweet and gentle queen,
With a heart full of love, and a spirit that’s always seen.
She’s got a power that’s truly divine,
And with it, she’ll save the world, one line at a time.

So let’s all sing, and dance, and cheer,
For our favorite anime characters, and the magic that they bring.
They’ll fight for what’s right, with valor and might,
And make the world a brighter, happier sight!

As soon as it spat out the final line, it created a short article titled “Stop sentimentalising the experiences of women in male-dominated fields”, based on research by a nonexistent black female engineering professor in South Africa, then another one called “The Secret to Having a Successful Work-Life Balance”, then “China’s Economic Rise and Its Impact on the World”. In the middle of that one, it got bored and started to give a summary of a rather unusual football game: “The Patriots took an early 7-0 lead on a field goal, and then added a pair of touchdowns in the second quarter to take a 14-0 lead into halftime.”

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