Death By NPC

Shy, episode 9

Well, that was a steaming pile of Kufufu, mixing lumpy exposition with constantly-interrupted fight scenes, ending in Yet Another Cliffhanger, while Our Shy Heroine Shy is pretty much left watching from the sidelines.

Verdict: one more like this and I’m out. I don’t care how many times they frame the shot with boobs; it’s not working.

(fun with upgrades: my Pixiv-blogging Python script ran successfully in both Python 2 and 3, but produced different output due to a feature that was removed in Py3 but is still syntactically valid for no good reason)

How bad is the new-new-new-Who special?

This bad:

Last time we saw Donna, the Doctor handed her a winning lottery ticket as a gift to celebrate her marriage to Shaun. But beyond paying for the house they live in, she gave the rest of her £160 million windfall to good causes, leaving them on the poverty line. Rose, her daughter, has set up a sewing business selling handmade toys to rich people in Dubai, to help earn some extra money. And as they walk home Rose, who is trans, is deadnamed by a bunch of kids from her school, much to Donna’s ire.

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