Princess Air

Dungeon Drops, episode 4

Officially, Our Perfect Wife’s character design puts her at eight years old, but mentally she’s sophisticated enough to briefly misinterpret Our S-Dropping Hero’s gift of a necklace as a romantic gesture, while he remains completely oblivious and was just being practical (“hey, it improves your loot drops”).

Of course, he can’t spot the obvious feelings of Our Recently-Rescued Receptionist, either, even when she moves in for the kill. Meanwhile, a chance encounter with a sexy foodie significantly boosts his rep, and a quick rescue mission leads to looting a la carte cart. Bunnygirl Eve just shows up for dinner this week, as they spent their time in carrot-free dungeons.

Fun fact: Eric the foodie was a guy in the light novels, but was upgraded for the manga.

Verdict: wholesome wish-fulfillment in a fantasy world; this week they even added a cute blonde princess who works hard for the money.

(cute blonde princess is unrelated)

ST:SNW, season 2 episodes 7-8

It’s a twofer this week, as the anticipated-by-some crossover with the animated Lower Decks series was released at Comic-Con.


If their goal was to convince me to never, ever watch Lower Decks, then it can be considered a complete success. Fortunately the regular cast kept it from being a complete disaster.


War. War never changes. No, wait, that’s from Fallout; this is more of a PTSD piece that expands on M’Benga’s backstory (which, to be fair, was basically nonexistent in the old animated Trek). The awkward transition from the hijinks in the previous episode made for a case of whiplash. In a good way, although there were some bits that don’t hold up through a trip to the fridge.

Verdict: please don’t do the musical next week; double whiplash is no fun.


Dear Amazon, if you know you lost the package on Tuesday, don’t make me wait until Saturday to apply for a refund and reorder the silly thing in the hopes that you’ll actually deliver it next week sometime.

Also, what’s up with silently canceling my pre-order of the Spiderverse 2 movie?

(admittedly, there was that one they lost in January of this year that finally turned up in May…)

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