A bit of a stretch...

Vermeil 8

In which we are encouraged to Buy The Bluray, the student council talks a lot, the villains talk a lot, we are encouraged to Buy The Bluray, and the students talk a lot on the way to the Big Exam.

By the way, there’s something I’ve been wondering about: Our Luscious Succubus arrived naked, and Our Oblivious Hero was able to present her with a Little Black Dress because he “accidentally brought a box of his sister’s clothes to school”. So is Our Sister Who Lives In Canada ridiculously stacked too, or was that the only one of her outfits that was stretchy enough to cover Vermeil’s massive boobs? And has he ever wondered exactly why his sister has a dress like that? And since Our Contracted Heroes share a bed, does she ever make him wear the girl clothes?

Related, when they finally poured her into a school uniform, he said something about a custom-sized shirt being ordered. I’m guessing it will not arrive this season, so that we are encouraged to Buy The Bluray.

Kindle Unlimited Shovelware

Amazon recommended a Traeger smoker cookbook to me, and since it was on KU, I downloaded it and took a look. It’s fake.

It’s just hundreds of random smoker recipes grabbed from dozens of web sites without credit, reformatted and vaguely arranged by meat type. It’s incredibly repetitive, with dozens of nearly-identical recipes, without even a hint of boilerplate text between them. And the “author” gets paid by how far you made it into the book before figuring out the scam.

Thank you for not letting me down, Japan

Wrong order!

My contractor sent out the guy who takes care of sealing cracks in basements, something I want to get done before we finish the basement next year. There were two that had been sealed sometime in the past 20+ years, plus some others that were mostly minor. The only actual leak is one of the ones that was already sealed, and then only a small puddle after two solid weeks of heavy rain, but I wanted them all evaluated and taken care of.

Sadly, there’s one he can’t do properly… because the guys who did the radon mitigation a few months ago ran their pipe right over it. On a 75-foot-long wall, they picked the single most inconvenient place to run a floor-to-ceiling PVC pipe.

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I'm guessing that rerouting that PVC pipe is a nonstarter.Vermeil - was it just me, or did dragon rider girl suddenly grow about a foot taller while in her undies? And it looked like she's been taking VB lessons from Canada sister as well? She grew a number of cup sizes as well. As for the dress, that issue was a clue that helped Lord Darcy solve a murder mystery, though I doubt this series will take that direction :)

In order to have the clearance to inject resin the full height of the crack, they'd have to remove the whole pipe, do the work, and install a new one, then have someone come out and re-certify the radon levels. Fortunately that crack shows no signs of having ever let any water through in the past, but I'll have to make sure we preserve access to it when the basement gets finished, and put a moisture sensor on the floor nearby.

And, yeah, I thought Chris was smaller than that, in both height and bust. And why exactly were they getting dressed in the student council room anyway? It's not like they walk around the campus in street clothes, and if they had a private shower room we'd have gotten that view instead...

I agree that it's pretty unlikely that Alto will find himself investigating a lecherous duke with a siscon. No, wait, that sounds exactly like something we'd find in anime. 😄



A suspicious mind would think that they created the prez image(s), then reversed them to make the images for Chris...add different hair style and different color for hair, eyes, and undies. But, they wouldn't do something like that, would they? As for the prez, if they are going to work that hard to make her look sinister, why not add a moustache so she could twirl it?


You'd almost think that changing clothes in a class/meeting room is a norm in Japan. You'd think that the school wing across the way would be loaded down with male students with telescopes/binoculars/cameras.
As for opportunities for mischief, I went to a small school where everyone had to participate to make it work...so I got on the basketball team. Once school we went to had separate men's and women's locker rooms, but they were both connected to the same shower room.

Rick C

Re: scam cookbooks. Last year I got a paper one of those in the mail, unsolicited, from Amazon, supposedly for an Instant pot (which I had actually just gotten), and it was like that: a couple hundred pages of densely-printed text, most just for generic pressure cookers, and some not even for that. The Amazon reviews were full of complaints. I always assumed it being sent to me was somehow a review-spamming scam but I wasn't going to spend time seeing if there was a fake review from me among the many others.