No, not that kind of “progressive”, the Wondermarkian sort, also called a continuous calendar. Every time he creates one of these in Illustrator and posts it, I save it away with the idea of knocking together a Perl script to generate my own. It only took 4 years for me to get around to it…
Let’s see if I can make a sensible download page for these:
The script needs some cleanup before I inflict it on the world (most
likely as a web form). Also better font-handling; not only is there a
hilarious bug in the header auto-sizing, but there are baseline issues
with many (mostly CJK) fonts that make it tricky to position the
numbers. I also need to make the locale-handling friendlier; the Perl
module automagically pulls in month and day-of-week names
for any language supported by locale(1)
, but specifying them as
ja_JP, ko_KR, ru_RU, etc is “less than user-friendly”, and you have
to switch to an appropriate font.
Sadly, the obvious free choice for a font that supports pretty much
any language would be Noto, but
its CJK fonts don’t
work with
One feature that’s still in progress is custom colors and text for specific dates. The idea is to feed it a custom list of holidays, birthdays, etc. Since I’m still working on text placement, right now it just sets foreground and background colors, which was enough for marking up a one-page, one-month vacation calendar for our upcoming Japan trip: red for flights, orange for shinkansen trips, blue for flea market days, and yellow background for “oh, crap, it’s Golden Week”.
…and I’ve fixed the silly font sizing/positioning bugs and re-uploaded. Part of my problem was that I was fighting some silly fonts, and the epicycles required to position them vertically were screwing with the non-silly fonts. I still have a fudge factor in the script, but now it’s based on identifying the silliness (capheight or ascender >= bbox ymax).
Trello’s calendar add-on works this way, but with just a subtle shading change as you move between months (along with the gray-on-gray text thing, which never fails to annoy me).
Markdown formatting and simple HTML accepted.
Sometimes you have to double-click to enter text in the form (interaction between Isso and Bootstrap?). Tab is more reliable.