Dear San Francisco Asian Art Museum,

What tone-deaf idiot wrote this?

A Brand New Brand
We've been eager to share something exciting with you, and now it's time:

Your Asian Art Museum sports a new vision, a new brand promise, and a new logo unveiled this week. We're reinventing ourselves to engage a broader audience.

Our Vision is to spark connections across cultures and through time, and our brand promises to: Awaken the Past, Inspire the Next. We'll use art to unlock the past and bring it to life, and act as a catalyst for new art, new creativity, and new thinking. We'll feature more contemporary art, often drawing connections to historic art in our collection. We invite you to experience the beauty and depth of Asian art and cultures, and to be inspired.

Our new logo reflects our Vision. It says we have a new perspective. It's bold and confident. And, it invites all to engage. (Did you know an upside-down A is a mathematic symbol for for all?)

Come see how we're starting to live our new brand.

It honestly reads like a letter to shareholders after a corporate takeover, not a museum newsletter sent to members and patrons. And the logo itself? Eh. Not bad if you’re making add-ons for Adobe products, I suppose.