Isekai: 1.6

With only five months until DL-Day, my priorities were simple:

  1. stay alive
  2. find people
  3. become hero
  4. save world

Hoping that she’d return with something more than fantastic sex and terrible notes, I moved into an unoccupied cave with a good view of “our” rock and easy access to fresh water, collected some pointy sticks and sharp-ish rocks, and went looking for signs of civilization.

I quickly settled into a routine of picking a direction, walking as far as I could until midday, climbing a hill or tall tree, looking around for anything, and then returning home disappointed. And usually hungry. I ate pretty much anything I found, at least once, which is how I discovered that grilled beetles tasted a bit like bacon.

Oh, yes, I had invented fire. My sensei was big on perseverance, and it turns out that if you bang enough rocks together, eventually you’ll find the kind that make sparks.

Fire was good for more than cooking, of course. It kept me warm and uneaten at night, and was sure to attract attention from the locals eventually. All I had to do was get out there and find them.

By the way…

…my process for these is to scribble down the key moments of a scenelet as I think of them, on my iPad or my laptop, then transfer them into Scrivener to flesh out, where I’m using the basic novel template and compiling to Markdown. A few of them have had to be set aside for revision or later use, but for the most part, it’s been linear. Each one ends up about 100 to 250 words, which seems to be the point where my brain needs to insert either a punchline or a cliffhanger. Perhaps I’ve been blogging for too long. 😁

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