My new favorite programming font

I have a hate/tolerate relationship with so-called “programmer’s fonts”. Let me count the ways they suck, in no particular order:

  1. Not fixed-width. Blech.
  2. Too-narrow set width (ranging between condensed and crushed).
  3. Inconsistent weight/color between alpha, numeric, and punctuation. The creator of Fira Code actually managed to make \ and / different weights!
  4. Twee punctuation.
  5. Failure to adequately distinguish 0O, l1, etc.
  6. Dotted zero instead of slashed (so that 00 is staring at you; Hack takes this one step further, for an Eye-Of-Sauron effect).
  7. Inconsistent centerline for special chars (^>~*+=-})]|\/#$%&@).
  8. Special-char centerline inconsistent with digits.
  9. - not same length as + and = (surprisingly common!).
  10. Five-lobed asterisk, even worse when it’s upside-down.
  11. Poor rendering either on or off high-DPI displays.
  12. Special Dishonorable Mention to Monofur for having lower-case digits, seemingly-random centerlines, twee punctuation, and a generally obnoxious character design.

For a long time, I’ve been using Anonymous Pro, hand-edited to fix its centerline problem, but the new winner is Office Code Pro, which suffers only from a slightly-twee %, a slightly-italic $, a five-lobed *, and an ever-so-slight centerline offset for braces, parens, and the v-bar (most easily seen in the -{| combo).

It is hands-down the cleanest, most usable fixed-width font I’ve ever found, fixing almost every problem with its parent, Adobe’s free Source Code Pro. Pity the repo just has the compiled fonts rather than the source diffs, because I’d love to fork it and fix those last few niggling flaws.

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