Comcast Business support surprisingly good

So I’ve got family in for the holidays, and my sister promptly took over the office for conference calls and video editing, leading to a distress call last night when the 2.2GB upload of the final cut of the new promo promised to take 70+ hours. (iperf to Hurricane Electric was running at about 500 Kilobits/sec upload speed, with ~10% packet loss)

I called Comcast at 6:30pm. They had a guy onsite at around 8:30pm, who verified that all my wiring was good, replaced the modem, and spent a merry twenty minutes poking through the flooded cable box out at the curb (he appreciated my big golf umbrella). All to say, “well, the problem isn’t here”, and he promised a network guy would take over in the morning.

Sure enough, by the time I got up and had breakfast, iperf was reporting 60 down, 12 up, which is a bit higher than before the outage.