Dear Steve Ballmer,

I know you’re rich enough to afford the best drugs, but you really shouldn’t take them right before giving an interview (emphasis added):

"You know, they like to act like Macs are lightweight, there are much lighter weight PC notebooks. Macs—do they have the best battery power? Of course they don't have the best battery power. Macs tend to have nice screens, but can you get nicer screens for a PC? Of course. Do Macs work in business? No, they do not. Can you get Macs made in your own country? Because in some countries, there's a lot of sort of, you know, what do you call them? Import duties? Taxes? You can't get Macs made in those countries, they make them basically one place in the world, and therefore they get even more expensive.

"You know, there are so many—you know, can you find Macs in—I'm very sensitive to exactly what mouse I have on my laptop. Can you find a range of choices? Of course you can't find a range of choices. You know, anyway—can you find the applications you want on the Mac? Well, you don't really get full Microsoft Office. Everything from Apple is available, there are still tons of business applications and there's games—anytime somebody does client software—over time they'll do a Mac client. Maybe nowadays people do the Mac clients mostly to save time, but that's only on the high-volume applications."

Maybe I should remind Steve about the years that I ran 600 Solaris servers for him from my PowerBook. With a Microsoft Mouse attached…

He’s right about Office, though. Whose fault is that, anyway?