An atypical day...

Yesterday morning, I found a thank-you note attached to a bottle of 15-year-old Glenlivet on my desk at work. Some users understand…

Yesterday night, I found someone’s little kick-me dog in my back yard. It didn’t belong to a neighbor, and couldn’t possibly have made it over the fence, which means that someone opened the gate and let it in.

After I chased the noisy little monster out (and watched it make a beeline toward its home), I found a door tag from Clark Pest Control stuffed into the back door.

So, someone in the neighborhood lets their little dog run loose (which explains the occasional “present” in the middle of my front yard), and Clark has hired a new guy who not only forgets to leave the usual invoice on the front door, but also lets strange animals into the back yard and locks them in when he leaves.

Still, with a fresh bottle of scotch in hand, I couldn’t manage to get particularly upset about it.